The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is a network of public health training institutions in Africa that seeks to strengthen manpower to enhance health systems on the continent. AFENET is a not-for-profit organization that works closely with Ministries of Health in member countries to develop sustainable programs and capacity to strengthen field epidemiology and ensure heatthier lives for Africans. AFENET is responsible for the implementation of National Stop Transmission of Polio (NSTOP) Malaria Flagship Programme. NSTOP is seeking the services of qualified and dedicated Nigerians la serve as NSTOP LGA Malaria Focal Persons in 20 LGAs in Kana state and ali the 14LGAs in Zamfara state to provide support for all malaria elimination strategies.
African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET)-National Stop Transmission of Polio (NSTOP) Programme
OPEN TO: All Interested Candidates
POSITION: LGA Malaria focal persons
WORK HOURS: Full-time
Opening day: 5 April,2016
Closing day: 14 April,2016
Openings: 20 for KanoState and 14 for Zamfara State

1. Provide assistance in planning and implementation of malaria activities in intervention lGAs.e.g. implementation of NSTOPmalaria flagship program.
2. Assist in assessing needs, opportunities and approaches for strengthening malaria activities.
3. Assist in organizing and facilitating malaria capacity building of health facility (HF) staff in collaboration with lGA Primary Health Care.
4. Participate in insecticide treated net campaign preparations and implementation of micro planning. training,logistical support. supervision, monitoring and evaluaton as part of the LGAteam.
5. Work with LGA Director of Primary Health Care, LGA monnoring and evaluation (M&E) team and community leaders to identify and train community level workers to conduct data coliection for maana M&E efforts.
6. Establish and maintain active communcanon and ccnaboraton with related US President's Malaria Initiative (in Zamtara), UK Department for International Development {in Kana}, their implementing partners. and other malaria donors in focus LGAs. in provision of planning. training. review meetings. supportive supervision and documentation.
7. Work with HF staff to engage community and religious leaders and Malaria·NSTOP target communities in malaria prevention activities.
8. Assist LGA staffon c.arrying out supportive supervision for HF staff.
9. Prepare monthly technical reports/documents on Malaria-NSTOP services in the LGA.
10. Pertormomer tasks as assigned by the NSTOP Malaria State field coordinator and lGA Chairperson.
1. A good bachelor's degree In Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Sciences or Public Health is required; additional qualification in publichealth will be an advantage.
2. At least 2 years of prior working experience on malaria elimination programs or other reiated public health programs with NGOs, UN organizations. Government agencies or Ministries.
3. Level IV (fluency) SpeakingIWriting in English is required. Must be Huent in Hausa and any other loeallanguage spoken in Northem Nigeria.
4. Comprehensive knowledge of malaria elimination strategies, Local Government Structure<lnd Primary Heaith Care system in Nigeria.
5. Experience working or interacting with nomadic or other migrant communities. and inhabitants of hard-to-reach settlements will be an advantage .
6. Incumbent is required to possess standard computer skills with experience in MS Word, MS Excel spreadsheets. MS Power-Point: ,
7. Ability to write concise technical activity reports is required.
8. Must be resident within the LGAof assignment at time of assumption of duty otherwise job offer is nullifie
Interested applicants for this position should visit the AFENET Human Resource web application ( and submit their applications. addressing the minimum requirements as per the advertisement and current curriculum vitae with details of your referees in a single file format. Candidates should indicate appropriate positions and state in their application letter, AFENET is an equal opportunity employer. Only shcrtlisted applicants wiil be contacted.
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED