Catholic Relief Services Vacancies For Medical Personnels

Posted on: Tue 16-02-2016

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an International non-governmental organization supporting relief and development work in over 99 countries around the world. CRS programs assist persons on the basis of need, regardless of creed, ethnicity or nationality. CRS works through local church and non-church 
partners to implement its p oqrarns, therefore, strengthening and building the capacity of these partner organizations is fundamental to programs in every country in which CRS operates. CRS re­ established presence in Nige;la in 2000 and currently' focuses on agriculture, health and emergency programming. 
Position: Senior Program Manager - Institutional Capacity Strengthening and Organizational Development 
Department: Proqramming
Report to: Deputy Country RepresentativeiPrograms 
Location: Abuja 
Band: E-l 
Job Description: 
General Responsibilities: 
The 0D SPM will be the primary developer and driver of the CRS Nigeria Capacity Strengthening program. The successful candidate wiH also manage ongoing projects while building a results focused and Impact oriented team of rapacity strengthening professionals to provide strategic support to CRS' current and potential partners through participatory assessment of their needs; development and implementation of appropriate interventions that will strengthen their institutional, program management; financial and administrative capacities. The OD SPtvl will closely collaborate with the CRS Baltimore Partnership and Capacity Strengthening Unit (P-CS) to develop and continuously improve an agency wide standard for the methodology, measurement, and implementation of partner capacity strengthening. Additionally, the utilization of the empirical evidence gleaned from this initiative will be ultimately used as a platform to demonstrate CRS' approach and success in developing local CSOjNGO capacity to donor entities, peer organizations, local governments and civil society. 
Postion: Technical Specilist TB(SMILE)
Department: Proqramming
Report to: Technical Advisor, TB
Location: Nasarawa
Band: D-l 
Job Description:
General function: 
The Technical Specialist- TB SMILE will be response For workinq closely With the SMILE technical team to adueve the strategic objectives of the proqrem - focusmq primaly 01 faclitatinq access to community childhood T6 in Nasarawa state, but also supporting cross-cuttmq themes and integration efforts across the SI'1ILE project. S/he wiii adhere to high standards of programmatic and management quality to support community stakeholders' capacity and performance in provide eccess to full range of childhood TB services -. for children and their caregivers. 
Position: Technical Advior, Gender and Child Protection(SMILE)
Depatment: Programming
Report to: Technology Director, SMILE
Location: Abuja
Band: E1
Job Description:
General function: 
The Technical Advisor, Gender and Child Protection (SMILE) will be responsible for working closely with the StvlILE technical team to achieve the strategic objectives of the program - focusing primarily on integrating gender-sensitive interventions and child protection strategies across the SMILE thematic areas including nutrition, HIV, household economic strengthening and food security. S/he will adhere to high standards of programmatic and management quality to support community stakeholders' capacity and performance in provide access to full range of SfVULE services for beneficiaries. Sjhe will provide technical guidance in terms of cnild protection and gender, drawing on national and global best practices, ensuring CSOs embrace quality gender-sensitive and child-sensitive approaches. 
Position: Accountability Manager
Department: Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning (MEAL)
Report to: MEAL Coordinator
Location: Abuja
Band: D-1
Job Description:
General Function: 
CRS Nigeria is committed to integrating accountability mechanisms to communities throughout its 'programming portfolio and; as such, seeks an Accountability Manager to help implement the newly developed Accountabilitv Framework and other related priorities. 
The Accountabirty manager will ensure that practical and effective mechanisms for accountability to beneficiaries and communities are integrated at the CP'level and into programs through capacity building support and implementation. The role will also prioritize the deployment and use of a new accountablntv software system for the CP and across projects. 
Disclaimer Clause: This job description is not an exhaustive list, rather it is intended to be indicative of the skills, efforts, duties and responsibilities associated with the position. 
How to apply: 
Interested candidates should download the application form using this link and send with a detailed 3 page resume in a si.ngle file document to [email protected]
Completed applications should reach us before Spm, Tuesday 1'v1arch 1, 2016. Applications sent in the required format will be considered and only short listed candidates will be contacted. 
Equal Opportunity: 
"CRS is an equal -opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, etc. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply", 
Statement of Commitment to Protection: 
"CRS:recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation'