Consultants, Technical Advisors and Staff Vacancies at an NGO Capacity Building Program For RMNCH

Posted on: Fri 29-01-2016

1. Consultants and Technical Advisors:(Public Health Advocacy, Health Communications, Health Budgets & Policy Analysts, Human resources management for NGOs an Capacity Building of Health NGOs): Experts with COnsultancy experiences in the above areas within maternal health, Family Planning, Nutriion, Child Health, Immunization and capacity Building of Health NGOs sectors, are invited to submit a CV and convening letter for consideration. The 1 page covering letter must summrize expertise by competency area/s; availability schedule  in 2016; daily charge out range; and list 3 most recent consultancies by title and funder. CVs should not exceed 4 pages. Junior Consultancies with Masters in Public Health and Backstopped by a senior collegue are encouraged to apply. In Such Cases , Both CV must be submitted.
2. Think tanks, consultancy firms and University Department in: Public Health, Public Policy society research & capacity building, Human Resources Management, Demography and Health Budget tracking; Teams from Think tanks, consultancy firms and University Departments are invited to submit 4-5 page Joint application to conduct reseach and provide technical backstopping to- produce issue briefs, review manuals, conduct primary data collection, analyze secondary data and/or facilitate NGO trainings. Joint applicants must provide competency profiles of 4-5 members of the team with charge out rates number of days available per month in 2016 and past contracts and project carried out. Applications which propose to include competent junior or female researchers and/or Post-graduate students in research teams will be given positive consideration.
3. Senior Technical Advisor(FCT): The Technical Advisor is a full time position. S/he will provide strategic leadership of the RMNCH Project which will be implemented through sub-grants to registered NGOs. Creative and committed development practitioners with 3 + years experience developing and supporting Nigerian Civil society organisations in Public Health are encourage to apply. The ideal candidate must have post-graduate qualifications in Development Studies, Sociology, Political Sciences, or Public Health; with strong Facilitative leadership skills and report writing competences.
4. Program Officers (5 Positions in FCT): Five Program Officers will be engaged across RMNCH components on a full-Time Basis. Program Officers will developement, Operationalize and revise project work-plans to ensure project activities are carried out as and when scheduled; establish an effective information management system for the project; review produce activity and periodic report and establish improved mechanisms guidelines and periodic report; and establish improved mechanism, guidelines and operating principles for project. A Masters degree in Public Health or Development Studies will be an asset. Excellent Coordination and Project management competencies are also required.
Application Procedure:
ualified Candidates and Organization may submit a covering letter and an updated CV with contact details of 2 referees on a rolling basis with 3 deadlines as follows - 15 February, 2016; 15th May 2016; and 15th July 2016. Only applications submitted in Word format will be reviewed. Applications must be submitted to: [email protected] with a clear indication of the post applied for in the Subject description.
Shortlisted Condidates/Organisation will be contacted for follow up an interview