National Malaria Control Programme Vacancy

Posted on: Tue 27-08-2013

The National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), with support of Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partners has committed itself to universal coverage for all malaria interventions as the optimal approach to malaria control. The Malaria Strategic Plan 2009-2013 thus expands the programmatic focus from the vulnerable to the entire population at risk. The major interventions adopted for malaria control in Nigeria include ensuring that:
All individuals, especially vulnerable groups, have access to appropriate treatment within 24 hours of onset of symptoms; All individuals, especially vulnerable groups sleep inside Insecticide Treated Nets/long lasting Insecticide-treated Nets.
The target of the NCMP is to ensure that at least 80% coverage of these interventions accomplished by 2010 is sustained. This would be achieved through provision of anti-malaria commodities to Public Health Institutions and not-for-profit Health Organizations for the implementation of these interventions. Several funding partners, including the Global Fund to fight AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)contribute towards the achievement of the NMCP’s goals through articulated support to agreed programme areas.
The NMCP is one of the Principal Recipients implementing the Global Fund Round 8 Malaria Grant in Nigeria. Under the Phase 2 of the grant, which commenced in November 2011, the objective is to contribute to the rapid and sustained scale up of Malaria Control interventions for impact and intensifying Malaria control interventions towards universal access in Nigeria. The project is focused on the creation, development and expansion of government-private partnership and strengthens the participation of communities and peoples in malaria control interventions. The Global Fund Round 8 Phase 2 Malaria Project is implemented in 30 States including the F.C.T.
The Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and the Global Fund has decided to reposition NMCP to be more responsive to the implementation of the Grant for optimal impact. To this end, vacancies now exist at NMCP for the following position:
REPORTING: To the National Coordinator
The job entails the provision of Technical Advice to the National Coordinator (NC) in support of the successful implementation of the Global Fund grant in line with the National Malaria Strategic Plan, which focuses on prevention, diagnosis and treatment, advocacy, communication, monitoring & evaluation and community mobilization.
The technical advisory covets all aspects of the Global Fund Malaria Control Project in Nigeria and related activities.
Monitoring grant performance, including the results against Performance Framework indicator targets, adherence to program Budget, Work plan, and Program Implementation Plan (PIP), as well as timely fulfillment of the Grant related Condition Precedents(CPs) and Special Terms and Conditions (STCs);
Bring-up to the NCs attention weekly/monthly schedules of GF Project activities to be implemented by NMCP or those by other partners/SRs in which NMCP is to play a role;
Keeping tab on timely attainment of GF Project deliverables and bringing up any identified bottlenecks to the attention of the NC before the process is severely jeopardized, while providing effective risk mitigation recommendations;
Keeping tab on all management letters and ensuring that all issues raised are resolved expeditiously in collaboration with the Global Fund Program Manager and Team;
Ensuring that grant documentation and filing procedures (including effective filing of soft copies and effective back up system) are implemented and an uptodate file is maintained for each SR with timely inclusion of all relevant documents, including copies of communication/disbursement records;
Ensuring that program documents requested on a regular or adhoc basis (such as training plans, revised grant agreement documents, etc) meet the relevant criteria/fully address the relevant comments from GF and partners and are quality checked before submission to the Global fund;
Ensuring that Progress Update and Disbursement Requests (PUDRs) are discussed collectively with the different functions (program management, PSM, M&E, finance, internal audit) to ensure quality analysis of the issues and identification of appropriate solutions, ensuring that this is captured in the PUDR, and double checking the PUDRs in collaboration with the PM (GF) to ensure accuracy and quality reporting before forwarding to Global Fund;
Bringing to the attention of the NC red flags in the Compliance Unit that signifies compromise to Financial Management Standard required by the NMCP and Global Fund and propose mitigation measures;
Assist the NC in monitoring staff performance evaluation/management system at NMCP, including evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of existing performance evaluation/management systems;
Identifying situations/circumstances in GF States/other SRs that may warrant coordination intervention by the NC and convening relevant meetings with the approval of the NC;
Identifying States/line Ministries/other stakeholders where advocacy by the NC is required and planning such in collaboration with the Programme Management/relevant Branch;
Participating/Representing the NC in GF budget sessions, program reviews, audits and work plan development;
Conduct consultations, interviews and collection of relevant data on behalf of the NC during visits to Sub recipients and other field activities at all levels that may facilitate program implementation.
Ensuring that updates, presentations and minutes for relevant GF internal and external meetings are prepared as may be required by the NC;
Ensuring that GF activities are integrated into the overall malaria country response and support the coordination of these activities to avoid duplication of efforts arid programming gaps;
Assisting in ensuring effective communication and coordination with partners, including donor agencies, and other stakeholders working on malaria control in Nigeria;
Assisting the NC to maintain effective communication channel with the CCM;
Any other duty as may be deemed fit and assigned from time to time by the National Coordinator.
Advanced Degree in Public Health/Health Management;
At least ten (10) years of professional experience in health program management, in malaria control program in Nigeria or similar country context; 
Good understanding of Global Fund grants and processes;
Demonstrated ability to supervise functional teams and coordinate staff;
Demonstrated ability to undertake staff performance / management systems evaluation;
Demonstrated advisory, analytical and problem solving skills;
Excellent writing and oral communication and presentation skills;
Ability and willingness to travel to project-supported states within Nigeria;
Knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel.and PowerPoint.
Interested and qualified candidates should forward a Letter of intent, highlighting the required attributes with CV to:
The National Coordinator,
National Malaria Control Programme
Abuja, FCT.
Or Email:
[email protected] 
Submissions without a subject title will NOT be processed.
All applications must be received by Friday, 6th September 2013.
Interviews will commence thereafter with a view to engaging the best candidates immediately.
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted for further assessment/interviews.
DUE DATE: 6th September, 2013

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