Preventing Common Emergency Illnesses (1)

Posted on: Fri 04-03-2016

Medical or surgical emergencies are those clinical conditions and illnesses that requires urgent clinical and medical intervention, failing which or lack of intervention may lead to fatality or severe disability. Respiratory disorders: Asthma is generally a form of allergy, in this case in the respiratory tract, causing spasm of the muscles of the tract leading up to narrowing of the breathing passages. It can be due to or be triggered by or made worse by fumes, animal products, such as eggs, hairs or furs, exercise, insects, and generally by environmental pollution. It sometimes, may be inherited.
The first step is not to deny the existence of the illness but to accept that there is a problem at needs to be solved. I have had several patients who refused to accept that they or their children have asthma. They simply refused to call it by the name.
The next step is to identify if there is a cause. This can be done by the family in case of children or by the victim of asthma or by the healthcare professionals through testing and careful history. Needless to say that having identified the cause, it’s necessary to avoid the cause of the illness or minimise the exposure to the cause and triggers of asthma. If all else fails, the next step is to use medications to prevent the spasm from occurring and to treat any existing attack.
Commonly used medications include salbutamol as inhaler or tablets. There are other medications such as ipratropium and in some cases a steroid may be added to the list of medications. In children, spacer and nebuliser (both are deviaces and not in themselves, medications) may be used to help with the administration of the medications. Asthma attack that restricts breathing is always an emergency.
To prevent death, get to see a qualified medical doctor urgently. Other emergency respiratory disorders:
Any circumstance that makes breathing difficult is a medical emergency. It may be chocking from food or foreign objects in adults and children. I will recommend that in all cases, get to the doctor or emergency room urgently. There are training courses called Basic Life Support (BLS) or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) that all individuals regardless of one’s background and capable children should learn to help save lives. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension is very common in Nigeria and is often a silent killer.
Hypertension may lead to stroke or kidney failure or heart attack. Such deaths are often in error, blamed on witchcraft or be blamed on pernicious magic by perceived enemies. Compared to the white population, hypertension can be very severe in black people. Hypertension can be acquired due to say one’s lifestyle, due to illnesses of the kidney, thyroid, liver and heart.
A person’s lifestyle leading to high salt intake in foods and drinks, consumption of high fatty foods, lack of exercise and obesity may lead to hypertension. Stress due to whatever reason such as work, relationship difficulties, bereavement, failings in life and hopelessness may lead to hypertension. Diabetes mellitus may lead to hypertension as is high blood fats (Cholesterol).
By: Dr Joel Akande
The Nation News