Healthy Lifestyle Can Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Posted on: Sat 24-09-2022

A cardiologist, Dr. Okoh Basil Ewere has shed more light on cardiovascular diseases, which he referred to as “a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels…”

Speaking at a forum in Lagos, Ewere, a medical practitioner at Evercare Hospital, said: “Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death worldwide. In Nigeria, reports of the sudden death of previously apparently healthy individuals, either by slumping or not awakening from sleep, are on the incline. The possibilities are a result of a heart attack or stroke.

“This has been attributed to the influence of witches, wizards and ‘village people…

To prevent cardiovascular diseases, he recommended lifestyle adjustments and dietary modifications, such as quitting smoking, exercise, diet and healthy eating, alcohol limit, and stress control among others would be helpful. Summarily, Mortality from a heart attack is significantly high-so prevention and early detection is key.

He continued: “Fats are naturally and gradually deposited in our arteries as we age. They are a part of the normal ageing process and not necessarily, harmful. But, this process is accelerated by some risk factors including hypertension, diabetes, smoking, abnormal cholesterol levels, family health history, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and age.”

He said heart attacks among the younger generation might not be due to fat deposition, but the use of illicit drugs such as cocaine and others.

When symptoms of a heart attack occur, the sooner the patient gets to an emergency room, the sooner you he can get treatment to reduce any damage to the heart muscle.