Notice of Postponement of West African College of Surgeons (WACS) April 2020 Examinations

Posted on: Fri 17-04-2020

Guided by the need to place the health and safety of our Residents, Fellows and citizens of our sub region first with regard to the global COVID-19 pandemic, WACS announces the postponement of the April 2020 examinations until further notice. 

This decision has been reached after careful consideration of all the issues and wide consultations among stakeholders. As a key regional body whose prime remit is the training and certification of surgical specialists, it is our view that our Residents and Fellows constitute a veritable resource and are force multipliers in the battle against the global challenge.

Furthermore, we believe that leading by example requires us to abide by recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Centre for Disease Control / Health Ministries of our constituent countries regarding social distancing and refraining from large gatherings. 

As before, we urge that we continue to act as role models in our communities regarding the observance of regular hand washing, respiratory hygiene, appropriate use of personal protective equipment where appropriate as well as all other preventive measures. 

Finally, let us each face the task at hand with vigour, strength and faith and bring to bear the training and expertise at our disposal for the betterment of our communities, nations and the world. 

Long live the West African College of Surgeons!


Professor Serigne M. Gueye 

President, WACS 

Professor Phillip M. Mshelbwala 

Secretary – General, WACS