Review of NHIA Operational Guideline Call for Submission of Memorandum

Posted on: Tue 14-02-2023

The National Health Insurance Authority is a body corporate established by the NHIA Act 2022 to provide financial access to quality healthcare for all Nigerians. 

The NHIA Act 2022 signed by President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, on 19th May, 2022 into law, sets out the functions of the Authority.

Specifically, the Agency is mandated to Promote, Integrate and Regulate all activities within the country’s Health Insurance ecosystem. 

Consequently, the NHIA is conducting comprehensive reviews of its critical documents pursuant to the achievement of its objectives. 

To that end, the Agency is carrying out a review of its Operational Guidelines as an essential component of the implementation of the Act. 

To ensure a robust outcome through the deepening of this review process and extend opportunities to all stakeholders and the general public to make enriching inputs to the document, the National Health Insurance Authority hereby invites submission of memoranda from interested persons, groups and the general public as part of the aforementioned process. 


The memoranda which should be type-written in English Language may touch on any aspects of the NHIS Operational Guidelines 2012 in view of the new NHIA Act 2022. 

For reference, copies of the NHIS Operational Guidelines and NHIA Act 2022 can be obtained at any NHIA State Office. 

All submissions with clear recommendations, should be addressed to: 

The Director General / CEO

National Health Insurance Authority 

Plot 297, POW Mafemi Crescent 

Utako District, Abuja.

Hard copies should be submitted to the above address while soft copies (pfd; ms word) should be sent to [email protected], copies to [email protected] and [email protected] 

The full names, address, phone numbers and emails of the sender should be clearly stated in the memorandum. 

All submissions should reach the NHIA not later than two weeks from the date of this publication. 


Director General / CEO

National Health Insurance Authority Corporate Headquarters, Abuja

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