Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) is one of the leading Nigerian Non-Governmental Organizations implementing programs for improving Reproductive Health and Family planning (RH/AFP), Care and Treatment ofH!VlAlDS. Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria etc. We offer professional opportunities for career advancement. good working environment and competitive remuneration. We seek applications from qualified persons for the following positions in a Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation funded -Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health [nitiative(NURHI) Phase 2 project.

Specific responsibilitles:
• Coordinate and facilitate RHfFP service delivery (quality and systems streugrhcning) and other related activities in project anchor sites and respective satellite sites.
• Liaise with State RH!FP team and other relevant government representatives (LGA health team) to facilitate quality improvement/health system strengthening activities
• Coordinate training activities at the site level with oversight from the Quality Improvement team lead & Advisor
• Establish, monitor and report on FP commodity availability and security ill the project facilities
• Support capacity building of service providers in the facilities and at State levels
• Collaborate with local partners and facilitate review meetings, addressing gaps, etc. among FP service providers .
• Promote the integration ofFP into RH programmes and other relevant units including HIY fAIDS in the facilities
• Prepare and submit detailed progress reports on project activities on ALL quarterly, bi-annual or annual basis 10 the Quality Improvement Advisor
• Ensure the prudent use offunds in the implementation of project activit its as sctoutin the project plan
• Ensure adherence to project policies and guidelines on all the component pans with specific focus on Quality Improvement/Health System Strengthening
• Coordinate ALL quality improvement activities closely with site based managers
• Play complimentary roles to the project Clinic Service Manager in coordinating RHiFP activities
• Participate actively in any other duties assigned by the Quality Improvement Advisor. State Team Leaders, Deputy Project Director and Project Director .
- Applicants must be Registered Nurse (RN), Registered Midwife (RM) with Bachelor Degree in Nursing Science, degree in medicine or related field. Possession of a master's degree in Public Health or Social work will be added advantage. with 5-10 years' experience on don or funded family planning project in Nigeria
- with good knowledge of national health programs, health system, NGOs and collaborative relationship and liaison with stakeholders at all levels. Must possess hands-on experience in Family Planning Service Delivery. Excellent writing and oral communication skills. with proficiency in lvlS Word, Excel and Power point.
Method of Application
Applicants should send their comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and cover letter in ONLY one attachment (MSWord document) explaining suitability tor the job; to [email protected] on/or before November 17 2015. Please indicate the title of post applied for in the subject line of the ernail. Only shortlisted
applicants will be contacted, Applicants are advised to provide their functional emails/mobilc phone numbers on the application letter as well as three professional referees. Candidates must provide functional e-mail addresses and telephone numbers ofthe referees.
Eligible female applicants arc encouraged to apply. ARFH has a Child Safeguarding policy in place and is an equal opportunity employer (EOE).
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED