Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) to Hold Council Election

Posted on: Thu 20-10-2016

Notice is hereby given that elections into the council of the Association of Radiographers of Nigeria and its various offices will be held at the annual conference holding between 22nd to 26th November, 2016
In compliance with the 2005 constitution of the ARN, eligiblity to vote and be voted for depends on the current financial standing of members. Members who are in arrears of the annual dues are advised to update
Association of Radiographers of Nigeria Any member vying for the post of the president is expected to have been a council member for a period of three years and must have attended 75percent of the meetings during such period. For the rest of the executive and council positions any financial member is eligible to contest
For further information and purchase of nomination forms, please call MR E J Akpan, Chairman Electoral Committee on 08033126485 or National Secretary, ARN secretariat, 2-4 Taylor drive, Medical compound PMB 1068, Yaba, Lagos

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