CPR Manikin - Practi-Man Adult and Child with Transport Bag

Posted on: Wed 13-09-2017

The Practi-Man Adult and Child Manikin with Transport Bag has the following features

1. Two simulators in just one product. It includes double function (adult and child) thanks to a switch in the back of the manikin.

2. Like a real nose, it allows correct breathing function. Unlike other similar products, Practi- Man presents a new system to develop the breathing practice in a very realistic way. The manikin nose is connected to the lung by a valve. This valve also has a non air return system, this helps to avoid contagions during training courses with more students at a time. Also, if the nostrils are not closed properly, the lungs won´t get filled and the chest won´t lift.

3. Practi- Man is a light weight simulator, even though it is a two- in- one product. This is especially relevant when the trainer needs to transport more manikins.

4. Practi- Man includes a bag and mat to make the CPR training much easier.

5. Very easy and fast to assembly and disassembly.

6. Practi- Man meets current regulations marked by the 2015 Guidelines.

This product is manufactured under European requirements and is TÜV certified. Practi- Man is already presented all over Europe and the USA, also in many countries like, Korea, Brazil, Japan and mexico which are just a few examples.


  • Dimensions of Practi- Man: 61 x 45,7 x 25,4 cm  /  24x18x10 in 
  • Weight: 2,202 KG / 4lb
  • 2 years waranty 


  • 1 Service- Pack, 1 Valve, 1 Face Shield, 2 Sanitizing wipes and a pair of gloves.
  • Manual: includes how to assembly/disassembly, using recommendations and cleaning.

Product Price: 90,000 Naira

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