Jhpiego an Affiliate of John Hopkins Unversity, Medical Vacancies

Posted on: Thu 03-12-2015

Jhpiego, an Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University is a global leader in improving healtbcare services for women aod their families. In collaboration with some it's partners, Save the Children International  (SCI), Pediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN), Nigeria Society of Neonatal Medicine (NISONM), Society of Gynecology and Obstetncs of Nigeria  (SOGON) and National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives  (NANNM), will be implementing a USAID funded global oooperative  agreement called the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP).The  program's goal is to contribute significantly to ending preventable maternal and child deaths (EPMCD) in Nigeria. The five year project whid, started in October 2014 will end in September 2019 and will be implemented in Kogi and Ebony; States of Nigeria. Jhpiego hereby invites  applications from highly resourceful, experienced and dynamic professionals for the following positions: 
The Gender Technical Advisor will lead the implementation of gender related programs. The posiuon is focused on developing, integrating, implementing and documenting strategies to address gender issues that affects the uptake of health care services, especially, respectful care, gender-based violence, male norms and involvement 
• Provide technical assistance and strategic guidance on Jhpeigo's gender programs, 
• Work with teams to develop and oversee strategies to overcome gender-related barriers to accessing services, including user fees and transport limitations. 
• Adapt trainings for health providers on issues such as respectful care, gender sensitive health service delivery. gender-based violence and engaging men in health, 
• Work With teams to strengthen gender components of training and job aids for and by community heaUh workers. 
• Maximize opportunities for Integra bon of gender. 
• Conduct supportive supervision to ensure that the above has been well applied in health services, educanon and outreach. 
• Mentor and work with local partners 10 inlegrate gender strategies into thelf work supporting Jhpiego interventions. 
• Document processes and outcomes for integrating gender into Jhplego health interventions 
• Work with monitoring and evaluation teams to analyze and report on indicators measuring the outcomes and impact of the above interventions. 
• Write lechnical papers and donor reports on the above work. 
• Liaise with local government and partners to ensure that above activities are coordinated with other efforts to address gender in the context of heaith programming. 
• Present and share lessons, best practices and successes related to addressinq gender in health services with partners and local government or in technical fora in order to institutionalize practices for scale-up, 
• Master's degree in Public Health, Social Sciences or Development Studies or demonstrated eouivalent through experience. 
• Minimum three years of senior level experience providing technical advice on gender equality in programming. 
• Minimum seven years program experience in public health and/orinternational development, preferably promoting gender equality. 
• Strong analytical skills, especially for conducting gender analyses. 
• Strong technical capacity and practical experience in designing and implementing gender sensitive development programs. 
• Strong knowiedge of gender and global development Issues, preferably with understanding of US AID's approach togender equality. 
• Proven experience in developing. implementing. monitoring and evaluating advocacy/gender projects and programs. 
• Excellent group facilitation, multi-stakeholder consultation, and strategic planning skills. 
• Knowledge of participatory approaches to development. 
• Excellent in capacity-building, and training skills. 
• Strong writing skills. both for technical and program reports. 
• Strong interpersonal skills, able to work well in cross-cultural teams and under tight deadlines. 
• Knowledge of policy advocacy processes. 
• Experience working with civil society organizations. governments, donors. and international organizations. 
• Knowledge and experience with Jhplego programs preferred but not a must 
• KnOWledge and experience of wOrking for projects funded by international donors w!1I be an added advantage 
• Fluent in English, (written and oral communication). 
• Able to undertake frequent travel. 
• A personal commitment to gender equality
• Knowledge and working within Ministry of Health systems. 
• Experience working With community health workers and health providers. 
The RH/FP Coordinator will report 10 the State Team Leader or Designee. S/he will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of FP/RH 
activities within hislher location. providing assistance in capacity building and in the technical areas of reproductive healthlfamily planning with 
focus on Post-Partum Family Planning (PPFP) methods. The successful candIdate will ensure thaf supported health facJJities are complying wifh 
the agreed issues as indicafed in the MOU in provision of commodities, training of health facility sfaff in longer term methods. and fhe col/afion of feedback in an appropriate manner Sllw will ensure that good quality  management information system data is available at field level. and the monitoring of facilities to ensure the improved availability and use of process data for programme planning, evaluation, and policy advocacy. 
• Provide overall techrucal vision and guidance in the area of RHlFP 
• As a member ofthe project's Core Team, provide leadership in RH/FP for the design of annual work plans, monitoring of program activities 
and ongoing assessmentoftechnical assistance needs 
• Manage!support subcontractors, regional institutions, networks, relevant NGOs. collaborating organizations, and federal and state governments in Nigeria 
• Advise on regional and global "best practice' examples and their potential replicability, as well as opportunities for knowledge exchange among country-based institutions andlor individuals. 
• Assess technical capacity of regional institutions as appropriate. 
• Collaborate with CAs implementing similar programming to ensure joint planning and coordination where appropriate 
• Perform technical reviews of grant applications and subcontractor scopes of work. 
Required Qualifications, Experience and Skills; 
• Clinical degree e.g. nursing/midwifery, public nealth. 
• Must possess relevant training in FP/RH with sound technical knowledge of the provision of long term family planning methods, and reproductive health issues. 
• Must possess a minimum of Five (5) years post qualification experience in family planning programmes and community level FP/RH projects. - , 
• Knowledge and experience working for projects. funded by International donors will be an advantage 
• Proven leacershlp skills. as well as skills in facililation. capacity building and coordination. 
• Strong change management, results oriented and decision making skills. 
• Strong leadership and technical capacity to support service delivery improvements, especially in health facilities and at the community level. 
• Technicat expertise in FP and RH services (long-acting reversible contraception). 
• Excellent interpersonal. wnting, and oral presentation Skills. 
• Excellent computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPolnt) 
• Demonstrated ability to foster team work and to work as a team member. 
• Ability to work in a complex environment with multiple tasks, short deadlines and intense pressure to perform. 
• Must have knowledge of logistics management and information systems. 
•  KnOWledge of the environment and language wrttiin the region will be an added advantage. 
Jhpiego, an Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University is implementing a 3 years Bill and Melinda Gale funded project in Nigeria and Kenya. The Nigeria project IS to be implemented in Nassarawa stale. The project proposes to develop a group care model for ANC appropnate to the .Nigerians contexts that will support the MOH to operationalize its guidelines and test whether this alternative model of ANC is more effective. feasible, and acceptable Ihan the current standard of care at achieving belter coverage and quality of ANC services. The project is designed for high-volume government health facilities and will explore the opportunities and challenges of different seltings (urban, peri-urban. and rural) to inform scale-up. Jhpiego hereby invites applications from qualified candidates for the following under listed positions: 
The Program manager will provide vision, leadership and direction to ensure the strategic, programmatic, technical, and financial integrity of the 
entixe projecl is met. the position will be Ahuja based but it will involve extensive travel to the project slate as needed. The manager will develop, 
maintain. strengthen and expand a collaborative approach with consortium members and key stakeholders. He/she will serve as the primary point of contact with the State Ministry of Health and its agencies and other stakeholders and will report to Jhpiego Country Director or his Designate. 
Key Roles and Skills Required to Apply: 
• Ensure compliance with the program agreement results and the oversight of program activities to achieve the stated objectives' 
• Provide technical leadership in the design. anatysis, and synthesis of intervention 
• Mentor, support, supervise and manage a team of highly qualified staff and align their efforts to ensure rapid and sustainable results 
• Write and/or review technical components of materials and publications related to the project and its development 
• Work closely with Jhpiego Nigeria office staff to ensure effective, timely and coordinated project implementation 
• Advanced degree (Masters - minimum) in public health. health administration, international health Of a related field. Clinical degree preferred (Physician, Advanced Practice Nurse. Midwife. 
• A minimum of 8 years of project management experience (of which at least half is in a senior management position) in large, multi-year international health sector development programs that have implemented successful activities in areas such as reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. 
• Management, training or clinical background in reproductive, maternal, newborn andlor child health. 
• Expertise in research to practice--identif\liOg best practices and adapting them to project realities 
• Fluent In writlen and spoken English and excellent wilh the use of computer 
The Service Improvement Facllrtators (SIF) will report to the Program Manager or Designee. Sille will provide technical support for the implementation, and monitoring of service delivery strategies and activities at the level of project-supported health facilities (HFs). The SIFs will work with the lGA health coordinator and managers and providers in the health facilities to ensure that the project's strategies for the delivery of high impact services are implemented. In particular slhe will be responsible for continuous posHrainlng supervision. mentoring and on-the- job training to service providers orfollow-up of clients as the case may be. The successful candidates will be responsible for ensuring that providers keep to standards of practice and observe the use of service protocols and provide on-the-job training as needed. 
• Collaborate with the State ministries of health (SMOH), LGAs and other MCSP staff and partners. 
• Assist in defining critical training needs and organizing in-service training activities as needed. Work in conjunction with the SMOH/LGA supportive upervision teams to continuously provide supervision at the health facility level, identify bottle necks to quality services and work with the health facility teams to identify and implement solutions. 
• Contribute to wriling of the project reports especially in the area of quality assurance, including identifying success stories and keeping a photographiC and written record offield activity highlights. 
• Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time. 
Key Outputs 
• Documented and accurate reports on types of On the Job trainings conducted or on the clients that are followed-up 
• Number of supportive supervision conducted with documentation on the number of providers reached. 
• Up to dale knowledge of relevant high impact inlerventions for reduclion of maternal, newborn and child mortality use of such in providing support to service providers. 
• Technical inputs and contributions as technical support to the overall project implementation. 
• Support provided to technicallrainings in their respective zones Required Qualifications, Experience and Skills: 
• Clinical degree e.g. nursing/midwifery, public health. 
• Must possess six (6) to ten (10) years post qualification experience in Clinical/maternity practice including experience with teacninq, perception and health management.
• Knowledge and experience working for projects funded by International donors will be an advantage 
• Demonstrated ability to be both a team player and to lead teams and organize multiple and simultaneous sets of activities. 
• Strong dinical skills and demonstrated supportive supervisory skills are needed. 
• Clear understanding of public health issues and challenges in Nigeria. 
• Computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are essential. 
• Ability to produce accurate reports and data on activities, 
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and a local language of the project state will be an advantage. 
Willingness and ability to travel up to 50% time within the state is a requirement. 
Method of Application
Interested candidates should submit an Application Letter and a CV as one single word document to: [email protected] for The desired position not later than two weeks from the date of Ihis advert. The title/subject of your email and application should be the position of what you have applied for. For further information about Jhpiego, please visit our website at www.jhpiego.org Only snortlisted candidates will receive an invitation for an interview. Please note that any successful candidate will be subject to a pre-employment background investigation. 
JHU is an Affirmative ActioniEqual Opportunity Employer