mediacl Vacancies At Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative

Posted on: Thu 04-07-2013

Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established asan 
affiliate of the Family Health International (FH1360) to sustain FHI's achievements in strengthening indigenous organizational capacity in Nigeria. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Edo, Nigeria. 
To strengthen our operations in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for following position: 
position Title                                                                       Contract Type         No. Reqd.             location(s)
Managing Director                                                             Full term                   1                        Abuja       
State Program Manager                                                    Full term                    1                        Edo
Assistant Technical Officer, Clinical Services                   Full term                      1                        Edo             
Assistant Technical Servces, Lab. Services                     Full term                      1                        Edo
Assistant Technical Officer, Monitoring & Evaluation        Full term                       1                        Edo  
The managing Director will provide overall leadership in support of AHNi strategic plan, mission, values, goals and overall objectives. S/he will provide leadership and management oversight and direction 
for the AHNi program: oversee operations and, as the primary AHNi representative, ensure strong collaboration between AHNi Partners and stakeholders including the government, donors and sponsors. S/he
will lead AHNi sustainability efforts in the country. S/He is responsible for program planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the interventions implemented by AHNi and its partners. S/he is 
accountable for judicious use of all the resources entrusted to AHNi and protection of the organization's financial assets while ensuring compliance with board directives and applicable grantor, federal and 
state requirements. 
Minimum Recruitment Standards:
• MB.BS/MD/PHD in similar degree with nine (9) years relevant experience preferably with international development programs which includes at least six (6) years of relevant management experience at the 
executive level. Or MS/MA in social science, public health or related field, MPH preferred, and a minimum of eleven (11) years relevant experience with international development programs which six (6) 
years relevsnt management experience. Familiarity with Nigerian public sector health systems, international donor organization regulations, NGOs and CBOs s required. Demonstrated success in muticultural 
ts is required.
The State Program Manager will discharge his/her assignment under the guidance of the AHNi Managing Director. S/He is responsible for program planning, implementation; monitoring, and reporting of the 
intervebtions implemented by AHNi and its partners in the assigned state. S/He is accountable for judicious use of all resources entrusted with AHNi and its partners in the assigned state; will participate in 
t of, and monitor work plans and budgets etc. 
Minimum REcruitment Standards
• MBBSwith 5-7 years relevant experience with international development programs which includes 5 years' experience with HTV/   AIDS program planning and implementation at the community or state level working the public and NGO sectors. 
• Or BSc in Social Sciences, Public Health or related field, MPH preferred, and a minimum of 7-9 years relevant experience   with international development programs which includes 5 years' experience with 
  program planning and implementation at the community or state level working with public and NGO sectors. 
• Or BSc inSocial Science, Public Health or related field, with a minimum of 9-11 years relevant experience with   international   development programs which includes 5 years' experience with program planning and implementation at the community or state level working with public and NGO sectors. 
• Experience in designing and implementing of public health/international development programs funded by US government or   other international donors. 
• Experience knowledge of health and development programming in a developing country. 
• Workink knowledge of major donor policies (USAID, Global Fund) as well as international not-for- profit organizations. 
• Familiarty with Nigerian public sector health systems and NGOs and CBOs is required 
The Accountant will discharge his/her assignment under the guidance of the Senior Finance and Administrative Officer, H/She will be responsible for accounting/finance and administration for AHNi office 
and ensure compliance with the contractual financial requirement of the project. 
Minimum Recruitment Standards: 
• University degree in accounting/finance and Business Administration or its recognized equivalent. 
• CPA. ACA, ICAN or recognized equivalent. 
• Minimum of 3 years' experience in accounting related to NGOs and community level programs, with increasing responsibility. 
• Familarity with USAID-funded programs and non-governmental organizations in Nigeria. 
• Experience must reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities listed above. 
The Assistant Technical Officer-Monitoring and Evaluation will discharge his/her assignment under the guidance of the Technical Officer. S/He will enter program data into the FHI 360 date management 
software for subsequent analysis; will identify and follow- up missing data; undertake basic validation checks, and store and disseminate data and hardcopy files as appropriate; s/he will keep track of received
date and source documents; will perpare and sort document and identify and interpret data to be entered amongst other duties. 
Minimum Recruitment Standards: 
• BSc in Statisties, Pharmacy. Microbiology, Monitoring and Evaluation or in relevant degree with I year relevant experience  in Monitoring and Evaluation or data management. 
• Familiarity with Nigerian public sector health systems and NGOs and CBOs is highly desirable. 
• Knowledge in project-level or state/national-level monitoring and evaluation system implementation 
• konwledge of Nigerian clinical setting, including government and non-government settings 
The Assistant Technical Officer-Laboratory Services will under the guidance of The Technical Officer. Lab. Services provide technical support to implementation of programme interventions that will 
support the provision of high quality molecular laboratory services as part of effort to build state and national capacity for the provision of comprehensive HIV/AIDS and laboratory suppor services 
Minimum Recruitment Standards: 
• BSct in Laboratory sciences, Molecular biology or closely related field with 7-9 years post NYSC experience and a minimum   of 4 years' experience in molecular! PCR laboratory is required. 
• Experience in project development with proven experience in the planning and facilitation of training is required. 
• License to practice as a' Laboratory scientist is required and/or evidence of training! certification in molecular biology, 
• Familiary with Nigerian public sector health systems is highly desirable 
The Assistant Technical Officer Clinical Services will under the guidance of The Technical Officer, Clinical Services provide technical support to implement high quality care and support activities with 
primary focus on clinical management of HIV/AIDS and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS. S/He will provide ongoing technical assistance in HIV/AIDS clinical management 
including management of opportunistic infections and PMTCT capacity building to all facilities benefiting from Ihe program, disseminate guidelines, tools and procedures that will support the achivement of  
quality sevice delivery.
Minmum Recruitment Standards: 
• MBBS/MD with 1-3 years' experience in clinical care, with a sound understanding of HIV/AIDS with provision of anti-retroviral therapy in resource constraint settings. 
• Post graduate degree in Public Health is desirable. 
Familiarity with Nigerian public sector health system and NGOs and CBOs will be an added advantage 
Method of application: Please forward suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document from the date of publication to: 
AHNi- [email protected] for Managing Director. State Program. Manager & Accountant, [email protected] for Assistant Technical Officer Clinical Set 
AAHNi-LabJobslili), for Assistant Technical Officer Lab, Services &AHNi-M&EJobsJ( for Assistant Technical Officer M&E. 
Vacancy closes 10 days after this publication. AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 
Only applications sent electronically (i.e. bye-mail) with the job title and location c1earlv indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and Ol/(v short listed candidates will contacted 
AHNi does not charge candidates a fee for a test or interview. 

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