Medical Claims Manager Vacancy at MetroHealth HMO Limited

Posted on: Mon 18-12-2017

MetroHealth HMO Limited is a Health Maintenance Organization which has been established with the objective of becoming the HMO of choice for corporate entities and all subscribing enrolees, who want good quality healthcare accessed through a technology enabled platform that will enhance the whole customer experience. The platform has been configured towards administering efficient patient centred services.
Our focus is on quality and service delivery, ensuring prompt, personalized and seamless quality healthcare support services to our clients, both young, middle age and old.
Technology drives our operations as it undergirds our operational efficiencies and provides access to timely data which is beneficial to both providers and enrolees.  Several technology portals are made available through controlled access for enrolees to view and manage their health data, and for providers to submit and receive payment for services delivered.
Position: Medical Claims Manager
Location: Lagos
Requirement: Nursing or double qualified Nurse (RN & RM) and other relevant qualifications with 3–5years Clinical experience in a well-structured Health Facility or as a Medical Case Manager in Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Method of Application
Interested and Qualified applicants should forward their CV to: [email protected] using position applying for and desire location as a subject of the mail.