Medical Jobs Vacancies at John Snow Inc(JSI) SCMS/USAID Delivery Project

Posted on: Tue 09-02-2016

John Snow, Inc. (JSI) is a US-based international public health consulting firm ihat manages projects/contracts in Nigeria through its integrated office in Abuja. Through the Partnership for Supply Chain Management consortium, JSI implements the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) projectfor the US Government as part of the US President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR). The purpose of the project is to establish and operate a safe, secure, reliable and sustainable supply chain management system to procure pharmaceuticals and other products needed for the care and treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS and related infections. JSI implements the USAID I DELIVER project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a global technical assistance project aimed at increasing the availability of essential health supplies through procurement services and assistance designeed to strengthen Health commodity supplv chains in developing countries.
Field Suppty Chain Operations Consultant 
Key Responsibilities: 
* Ensure adherence to Good Distribution and Warehousing Practices at the state/phase level, in supply chain operations (warehousing operations in both government owned and contracted 3PL warehouses At the statel phase level, serve as a lead in the coordination of commodities handling (receipt, deliveryt 
health facilities or dispatch to other locations outside the state) and to ensure appropriate and timely reff of facility commodities based on approved delivery orders shared by Field Program Management Department (approved by the SCOD Abuja office) for all programs for both USAID DELIVER PROJECT and SCMS. 
* Collect agreed data for use in monitoring the supply chain operations of third party logistics service providers (contracted warehousing and transportation 3PLs) and government owned warehouses to ensure that standard practices and appropriate procedures (for warehousing, distribution and especialy inventory management) are maintained. 
* Provide feedback to 3PLs and government officials in the warehouse on performance and areas of improvement in the warehousing, inventory and distribution activities in their warehouses. 
* In collaboration with resident field staff. provide technical support to ensure that health facilities supported by all programs for both SCMS & USAID DELIVER PROJECT receive adequate supply of needed health commodities. Coordinate distribution/transportation operations to health facilities, within the agreed lead time ensuring operations are concluded as stipulated in work orders or service level agreements. 
* Carry out inspection of vehicles, ensuring that vehicle mobilized by 3PLs are suitable, appropriate and are up to the quality stipulated in the contracts/work orders for the provision of transportation services. 
* For PMI commodities, coordinate and supervise the pick. pack and dispatch (PPD) of commodities during L'lvlDs (based on approved LMD orders from the SCOD Abuja Office) at originating warehouse issue the correct quantities of the commodities to the transporter. 
* Closely monitor the performance and adherence to the terms of the work orders of the 3PLs and provide daily updates (using daily update template for both ODIC and/or .non-DDIC LMDs) to the Phase team lead and the SCOD Abuja Team Lead, Warehousing and Distribution. Carry out spot-checks during the LMDs (using routing plans, in the case of non-ODIC LMDs and trucking schedule, in the case of ODIC delivery runs); COllate and report all non-conformances or adverse report (some of which bother on suspicion of fraud, commodity loss, by proxy delivery, lagging delivery times, use of non-compliant vehicles, etc.).concerning 3PL performance to the Phase team lead and the SCOD Abuja Team Lead, Contracting and Operations Management. 
* Provide status report for all projects commodities warehoused in government central medical stores to the Team Lead. Warehousing and Distribution. 
* Take receipt of local/international shipments designated for direct delivery to the states; official receipt of commodities (malaria medicines, rapid diagnostic tests and long lasting insecticidal nets, LUNs) into the state CMSs or any other designated warehouse or storage location in the state and submitting the receipt reports (ensuring that all stock transactions are documented accordingly) to the Team Lead, Warehousing and Distribution. 
* Conduct monthly physical counts and scheduled cycle counts of all commodities in the state CMSs or any other designated warehouse or storage location in the state, reconcile stocks and monitor all stock transactions (for malaria medicines, rapid diagnostic tests and long lasting insecticidal nets, LLiNs & 
other commodities as may be required) i.e. receipts. issues, adjustments, etc. 
* For malaria commodities, shall report all malaria stock transactions using the Malaria Commodities Inventory Control Systems (MCIGS) tool, 
* Ensure that the activities of 4PL on warehousing and distribution for the respective phases are in line with agreed standards. 
* Facilitate complete and accurate documentation on PODs, SRVs/SIVs/RIRVs, etc. during LMDs and interstate/long hauls and sign the relevant documentation. * Follow up to ascertain the quantities delivered to ensure it is in line with the expected. . 
* Facilitate transfer of skills and knowledge to appropriate SMOH staff through mentoring and on-the-job training. 
* Inspect identified warehouses for use in warehousing commodities especially when such is required. 
* Monitoring and planning warehouse requirement for in-bound shipments. 
* Perform other duties as assigned. 
Skills/Knowledge Required: 
Applicants for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications: 
* First degree or its equivalent in Social Sciences, Public health, Management and any other related discipline. 
* 1-2 years' experience in supply chain operations (warehousing and distribution) of health commodities Ability to monitor, supervise and provide support to 3PLs on warehousing and distribution of health commodities. 
* Strong analytical and problem solving skills. 
* Able to work as part of a team, self-motivated and self-managing. 
* Above average IT skills; knowledge of Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and inventory management software (m-Supply, e-Stock Card etc.) 
Logistics Consultant - Strategy and Demand Planning 
Key Responsibilities: 
* To lead the implementation of mass distribution campaigns for long lasting insecticidal nets (LUNs) in selected States and routine distribution in 11PMI focus states in Nigeria, including engagement with senior Government officials at the National and State levels on modalities for the full implementation of 
all aspects of the Campaign exercise and routine distribution of LUNs, 
* To facilitate the development, and review of mass LUNs Campaign budgets, implementation plan, execution, monitoring and reporting on the campaign exercise in line wiih the approved protocols by NMEP, USAIDIPMI and otherstakeholders. 
* Support in the development of LLiNs technical strategies in-country and provide technical assistance to NMEP and Roll Back Malaria Partners. 
* Support coordination activities including participations in meetings with the GON and PMllPs to develop and implement supply chain strategies and provide appropriate non-duplicative services that will ensure reliable procurement and distribution of essential malaria medicines and related commodities. 
* Work closely with JSI Nigeria management and country project leadership in managing relationships and maintaining routine communications with NMEP, PMI partners, and all other related stakeholders to support the integration of various technical areas of the project and making the most effective and efficient use of project resources.
* To assist in the coordination and harmonization of team efforts in program execution, management, Supervison as well as provide technical input into design and implementing and monitoring adherence tothe Standard Operating Procedures. 
* Work with other advisors and short-term technical assistance (STTA) to support annual national quantification and procurement planning for health commodities supported by the Project. as well as facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate staff. 
* To facilitate planning and implementation of operations research and knowledge management efforts relating to health commodities by JSI. 
* Any other duties as may be assigned. 
Skills/Knowledge Required: 
Applicants for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications: 
* An advanced clinical degree or a Master's degree in Public Health, Pharmacy, Logistics management with 5-7years of professionatexperience in Health program, preferably in health care supply chain management or. 
* A clinical/first degree in Public Health, Pharmacy, Logistics management with over 7years of professional experience in Health program, preferably in health care supply chain management. 
* Previous experience leading LliNs Campaigns within States in Nigeria strongly desired. 
* Multi-skilled with experience in Malaria, HIV/AIDS, orTB program strongly desired. 
* Proven experience in managing public health programs or projects -in developing country will be an added advantage. 
* Demonstrated ability to monitor, supervise and build capacity in health service programs. 
* Extensive knowledge ofthe Nigeria Public Health sector. 
* Strong analytical and problem solving skills. 
* Excellent technical writing and oral presentation skills highly desired. 
* A proven abilityto work as part of a team and to be self-managing. 
* Knowledge of Microsoft office including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 
* Ability and willingness to travel to various part of the country. 
Logistics Advisor - Strategy and Demand planning 
Key Responsibilities: 
* Support Federal Ministry of Health, implementing partners and other stakeholders to agree on assumptions that will support forecast and supply plan for health commodities. 
* Quarterly update of national supply plans for health commodities to inform procurement decisions by the donors, funding projections by the project and estimate of funding gaps required to inform continuously availability of products for health service delivery based on currently available information. 
* Work with the appropriate stakeholders (NMEP. USAID, other IPs, State RBM program etc.) to determine the quantity ollong lasting insecticidal nets (LUNs) required for routine LUNs distribution and LLiN campaigns. 
* Support the microplanning activities for LLiNs campaigns and provide full scale support for the implementation of the actual campaign activities in identified States. 
* DevelopmenVupdate/review appropriate documents required by home office to support procurement e.g. PPMR, CPIR, TOR etc. and liaise with appropriate units for commodity procurement. . 
* Work with JSI Nigeria Procurement unit to manage clients expectations, needs and to monitor commodities supply plan. 
* Monitor procurement of commodities, and routinely review last mile delivery requirements vis-a-vis available stock and expected Shipments to inform shipment rescheduling as may be indicated. 
* Coordinate routine resupplies of health commodities to partners to ensure uninterrupted supply of health commodities for program activities. 
* Monitor stock of health commodities in various warehouses in the country for prompt supply plan update, procurement planning and coordination of virtual stock management across all the warehouses. 
* Coordinate timely submission of bi-monthly stock status report update based on the available logistics data in collaboration with M&E, Field Program Management and Supply Chain Operations teams. 
* Provide technical support to the State Logistics Management Coordinating Units (LMCU) on development of Quarterly Stock Status Report and other supply chain reports that will guide decision making by senior government functionaries. 
* Update and submit quarterly commodities financial forecast to SCMS Nigeria management to support Global SCMS procurement decisions. 
* Provide technical support to PSM TWGs on supply chain activities to ensure continuous availability of needed health products. 
* Support capacity building activities on commodity forecasting and supply planning for Government of Nigeria counterparts and implementing partners. 
* Work with other advisors and short-term technical assistance (STTA) providers to provide required TA for activities and also facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate staff. 
* Contribute to identifying best practices and success stories for JSI Nigeria's periodic logistics bulletin, national and international conferences. 
* Any other duties assigned. 
Skills/Knowledge Required: 
Applicants forthis position should possess the following minimum qualifications: 
* A Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy. Public Health, Medical Lab science, Logistics Management, Business Administration or equivalent.
* Three to five years of professional experience in health programs. preferably in an intemational health care supply chain management environment. 
* Specific experience in HIV/AIDS, TB, FP, MNCH or Malaria programs strongly desired. 
* Demonstrated ability to monitor, supervise, and train in health supply chain programs. 
* Strong analytical and problem solving skills. 
* Excellenttechnical writing and oral presentation skills highly desired. 
* A proven ability to work as part of a team and to be self-managing. 
* Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word. Excel, and PowerPoint is required. 
* Demonstrated ability to use forecasting and supply planning software (e.gQuantimed and Pipeline) is highly desired. 
* Ability and willingness to travel in the field. 
Application Procedure: 
All interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter stating their SUitability for the posmon as one document while indicating the position being applied for as the subject of their email within two weeks from the date of tnls advert 
Applications without a cover letter starting suitability will be rejected. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Salary will be commensurated with experience and salary history. JSI offers excellent benefits.
John Snow, INC is an Equal Opportunity Employer