Medical Vacancies at CapacityPlus

Posted on: Thu 06-06-2013

Overview: Led by IntraHealth International, CapacityPlus is the USAID-funded global project uniquely focused on the health and social service workforce needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Placing the workforce at the center of every effort, CapacityPlus helps partner countries achieve significant progress in addressing workforce issues while also having globa! impact through alliances with multilateral organizations. In Nigeria, CapacityPlus is supporting the government to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the child and family welfare system and social welfare human resource gap analysis in six states, The State Child Protection system mapping and assessment (inclusive of workforce analysis and public expenditure review) wiii be critical to guide the State Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development and other relevant actors to develop a state strategy and action plan for 
child protection syjlem strengtheningireform. The assessment will also feed into the planned State Plan of Action fer Vulnerable Chi!tlren 
Development and the response plan olthe upcoming national Violence against Children Survey 
Title: Social Welfare Workforce Program National Coordinator 
Primary Responsibilities
The CapacityPlus project is looking for a Social Welfare Workforce Program Coordinator to support a team of three international consultants with expertise in social welfare systems strengthening and puolicexpenditure. as weil as teams in each of the six states in the implementation of the systems mapping and workforce gap analysis. This will be done in close coordination with a Project Coordinator based in UNICEF'sAbuja offioe, Each State team will be responsible for adapting the systems mapping toolkit to the local context and will conduct field data oollection. The Program Coordinator will help coordinate between the state teams. international consultants, and Project staff outside of Nigeria. This includes supporting the state assessments, planning and coordinating workshops in each state, monitoring implementation plans and working with the Finance and Administration team or. budgeting and travel preparation, Working 
under the direct supervision of tile US based Social servce Workforce Program Manager, the Program Coordinator will also assist with donor reporting, liaising With in-country stakeholders and developingfmonitoring the countryworkplan as needed, 
Essential Functions: 
~ Support state teams to undertake, coordinate and monitor activities as well as the activities of stakeholders 
~ Schedule and ooordinate program events, including workshops. data collecton, travel and dissemination meetings 
~ Liaise and coordinate with UNICEF Project Coordinator, USAID, Government stakeholders and project staff in Abuja and oversees, 
~ ManagE workptan timeline of activities 
~ Participate in Steenng Committee meetings as needed 
~ Prcducequarterlv progress reports, and other briefs as needed. with inputs from the CapacityPlus team 
~ Take minutes of internal and external technical meetings and share tirnelywith team 
~ Develop and maintain ongoing collaborative relationships and partnerships with key federal and state governments counterparts as well as otherkey implementing partners and stakeholders 
Education/ Required Experience
~ Recognized degree in sciences, social sciences, Heailh Management. Public Administration or related fieid , 
~ Atleast three years work experience with development organizations 
~ Extensive knowledge and working experience at state and LGAlevels, including strategic planning and implementation 
~ Strong interpersonal, facilitation and oommunication skills and team working 
~ Ability to think logically and solve problems, ability to pay attention to detail and bring tasks to completion, and ability to work collaboranvetv 
~ Experience working with USAtD or USG programs preferred 
~ Excellent oral and written communication skill in English 
~ Proven ability to anticipate length and difficulty of task assignments, set project objectives, work on multiple tasks at once, anticipate problems and evaluate results, 
~ Computer literacy in Miorosoft Office. Word. Excel. PowerPoint 
~ Ability to travel to CapacityPlus priority states in Nigeria 
Interested candidates should send in their CVs and a one page suitability statement for the position to [email protected] not later
than Thursday, June 20, 2013
Intra Health International. !nc. is an Equal O

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