The Nigerian Dental Association (NDA) is the authoritative norlonol voice of dentistry in Nigeria, a non-governmental and non-profit organization dedicated to the resentation and advancement of the dental profession, locally and internationally, and to the achievement of optimal oral health for Nigerians. Membership comprises of dentists in public and private sectors of the Nigerian economy, with automatic membership upon graduation from any of theaccredited dental schools in Nigeria, or upon application by foreign trained dentists who are licensed to practice in
The 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Dental Association which held at the Presidential Hotel, Port-Harcourt, River State between June 5-6, 2013 had the theme : Accidents Natural Disasters: The Role of Dentists." The Role of Dentists." At the end of deliberations, the following were observed:
1. There is still a very low level of oral health awareness amongst Nigerians.
2.The role of the dentist in accident and disaster management has hitherto not been properly understood by the key players in emergency management, and hence underutilized.
3. The dentist as part of the medical team can play several roles in the management of accident and disaster management, ranging from emergency resuscitation, management of orofacial injuries and diseases and disaster victim identification using dental records.
4. There is no uniform method of tooth notation and charting amongst dentists in Nigeria in keeping dental records, this can pose a challenge in reconciling dental records.
5. There is an inadequate database of dental records of Nigerians due to the low attendance of patients at dental clinics across the country.
6. There is a dearth of dental personnel and equipment at Accident and Emergency Centers across the country.
7. There is a lack of trained personnel in Forensic Dentistry in Nigeria. Forensic Dentistry has been defined as that branch of dentistry which, in the interest of justice, deals with the proper handling and examination of-dental evidence and with proper evaluation and presentation of dental findings.
The meeting therefore recommended as follows:
1. Oral health awareness should be promoted by all stake holders at all levels to educate and enlighten the Nigerian public on oral health issues
2. The should be a intergration of dental services in themanagement of accidents and an increased level of collaboration between emergency management personnel with dental
3. Through the Medical and Dental Council of NigeriaJ there should be an adoption of the Federatione Dentaire Internationale (FDl) tooth notation system by dental institutions and practitioners a
the country.
4. There is on urgent need to create a notional database for dentel records. The first step towards the realization of this feat will be mandatory dental records as part of pre-admission and pre-
employment medical tests for students and workers across the country.
5. There is an urgent need to incorporate oral health services into the primary health core system in Nigeria to guarantee effective coverage.
6. Since the orofacial region is often the most affected in major accidents and disasters, there is an urgent need to incorporate oral and maxillofacial units into all Trauma Centers and Orthopedic hospitals across Nigeria.
7. There is on urgent need to equip Accident and Emergency Cente of Health Institutions across the country with the requisite dental equipment and personnel.
8. There is a need for members of the dental academia in Nigeria to make it a priority to acquire knowledge and skills in Forensic Dentistry and for dental schools in Nigeria to incorporate Forensic Dentistry into the training of dentists.
9. There is on urgent need for Government to channel adequate funding to oral health in Nigeria to enhance the standard of dental education, advance translational reseorch, promote oral health
awareness and improve the quality of oral health core enjoyed by Nigerians.
Dr. Clement Olurotimi Olojede
President, NDA
Dr. Sam I. Obamiyi
Secretary General, NDA
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PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED