Netherlands Leprosy Relief is a Dutch NGO that is committed to creating a world free of the suffering caused by leprosy and disability. Since forty years NLR has a branch in Nigeria. NLR plays an important role in the execution of the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program. The office is located in Jos Plateau State.

DUTY STATION: JOS, Plateau State
• Provide technical support to and participate in the preparation of annual plans of action and budgets ofTB and Leprosy control programmes;
• Participate in the formulation of policies, regulations and technical guidelines related to TB and Leprosy control programme in close coordination with relevant authorities;
• Provide technical support: design and implement trainings for relevant stakeholders, participate in (NLR) research; .
• Ensure that Leprosy control activities including prevention of disability (POD) are properly carried out at State, LGAand projects levels in the country according to the set objectives;
• Visit the NLR supported control programmes or supportive supervision, on-the-job training and practical advice;
• To supervise the imptementation of the planned activities. to evaluate and reportfindings to the Medical Advisor-Coordinator.
• Coordinate - in close cooperation with the Country Director - an interdisciplinary team that will work on major trajectories in the elaboration of core thematic areas in Leprosy control and rehabilitation, disability inclusive development, lobbying and advocacy, (institutional) fundraising, NLR involvement in neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) programmes, etc.
• Participate in and perfonm duties as MedicalAdvisor 1.
• University Degree in Medical Sciences
• Postgraduate degree in Public Health and/or Management Sciences
• At least five years' relevant experience
• Team player. Analytical, Good Communication skills, Good reporting skills. Organisational sensitivity, Good leadership skills. Cooperation, Hands on mentality, Planning and organizing, Computer skills
Interested candidates are invited to submittheir application letter and CV
• clearly stating their motivation to work for NLR Nigeria and providing details on her/his suitability to fill this position
• clearly indicating for which position you apply
• before 1 February2016
• to the following ernait address: [email protected]
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A detai/ed job-description can be requested using this email address.
In case of equal suitability of candidates, preference will be given to female candidates. Persons with disabilities are particularly invited to apply
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED