NMA President Elected VP of Commonwealth Medical Association

Posted on: Thu 18-07-2013

A CONSULTANT Family lPhysician and the current President of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Dr. Osahon Enabulele, has emerged as Vice President of the Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA). 
 The 51-year-old CMA elected a new set of officers to pilot its affairs for the next triennium, 2013 to 2016 during its 23rd Triennial conference and Council meeting held from July 4 to 7, 2013, at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. 
  According to a press statement from CMA, amongst other elected officers are Dr. Solaiman Juman, a Consultant ENT surgeon 
and former President of the Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association as the new CMA President; Dr. Oheneba Owusu-Danso of the Ghana   Medical Association  and a Consultant plastic, aesthetic and hand surgeon as Secretary; Dr. Phophi Ramathuba, a clinical pharmacologist and dele- gate of the South Africa Medical Association, was elected Treasurer; while Dr. Gordon Caruana-Dingli, a general and breast surgeon from the Medical Association of Malta automatically became the Immediate Past President and member of the executive. 
  CMA was founded in 1962 and is made up of National Medical Associations from at least 42 Commonwealth countries from the various continents of the Commonwealth, including 
United Kingdom, South Africa, Nigeria, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, and India. 
  Headquartered in Tavistock square, London, United Kingdom, the main aim of the CMA is to assist and strengthen the capacities of National Medical Associations of countries within the Commonwealth to improve the health and wellbeing of their communities and countries through activities such as: regional and international 
  workshops on health issues; medical and health research; advocacy on health issues; capacity- building for member national medical associations; and collaborations with other international  
bodies, civil society and governance institutions, with similar objectives. 

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