Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria CPDP in Computed Tomography

Posted on: Tue 17-05-2016

Announcing the Compulsory professional Development program organised by the Institute of Radiography, a division of the Radiographers registration board of Nigeria in computed Tomography
1. 1st Run: 6th to 17th June @ International diagnostic center portharcourt, rivers state
2. 2nd Run: 8th to 18th August 2016 @ Mecure health services, oshodi lagos
3. 3rd Run: 12th to 23rd september 2016 @ national hospital abuja
COURSE FEE: N75,000 (Participants are to come with thier laptop) 
late registration attracts N5,000 only
Venue: C.T. Suite, Radiology Department
1. Admission of participants will be based strictly on early registration
2. Intending participants should pay thier registration fee to any commercial bank nationwide to Radiographers registration board of Nigeria, TSA code number 052100600100. 
Please call institute on 08097995066 or 08097995076
Email: [email protected] for placement in appropriate batches. Failure to confirm placement means that the institute will place you in specific batches which may be against your will and you will not have option to change.
3. Participants are to scan proof of payments with completed course registration slip to the above emails 30days to due date.
Accomodation- Not provided. participants will be responsible for their accomodation, transportation and other incidental expenses.
Physical documentation of participants will commence at the X-ray department, IDC mecure or NHA on the 1st day of the course by 8am.
Click HERE for Course Flyer

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