RRBN Award of the Fellowship of the Nigerian Institute of Radiographers

Posted on: Fri 12-08-2016

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified members of the Radiography Profession for the Award of the Fellowship of the Nigerian Institute of Radiographers.
Radiographers /Medical Imaging Scientists with Master’s degree and a minimum of twelve (12) years post graduate experience should visit www.rrbn.gov.ng/fellowship to fill the application form and for further enquires.
Cost of Registration/Membership : (inclusive of Gown Hiring, Seminar Materials, Certificates, Tea Break/Lunch, Accommodation (foreigners only))
Nigerian Based Applicants : N100,000
International Based Applicants : $350
(Payment can be made Online via Remita.net. Please click HERE for more information on how to pay using Remita.net)
Application closes on 30th September, 2016.
Dr. M.S. Okpaleke
Registrar/CEO (RRBN)

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