WARDS-CCISD Vacancies For Deputy Co-ordinator

Posted on: Wed 25-11-2015

The West African Health Organization (WAHO) has recently initiated its field activities as part of the West Africa Regional Disease Surveillance Capacity Strengthening (WARDS) Project. In this regard the Centre for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD) was selected as WAHO's implementing partner for the field epidemiology training component activities targeting paramedics in 15 ECOWAS member countries including NIGERIA. CCISD (www.ccisd.org/enf) is a Canadian NGO based in Quebec City, Canada with offices in several West African countries. The CCISD-WARDS office will be working under the authority of the Federal Ministry of Health. It will be located within the NCDC. 
As implementing partner to WAHO, CCISD is in the process of recruiting for three positions: 1) a qualified and competent Deputy Coordinator In order to support the CCISD-WARDS National Coordinator and working under her authority, to manage the implementation of the CCISD-WARDS Project in Nigeria; 2) an Accountant Secretary and 3) a Driver. Persons hired will be CCISD employees with a fixed term contract and based in NCDC. 
Office: CCISDv WARDS Office 
Duty Station: Abuja, NCDC, FMOH 
Responsibilities will include: 
  1. Supporting the National Coordinator in ensuring the operationallzation of CCISO-WARDS activities in Nigeria, in particular training and supervision activities related to strengthening surveillance capabilities in 18 LGAs. 
  2. Preparing periodic project reports for submission to the National Coordinator. These reports will be sent to the CCISO Home Office. 
  3. Providing direct administrative supervision to the Project Accountant and driver 
  4. In the absence of the National Coordinator, acting as interim coordinator ofCCISD WARDS project in Nigeria. 
  5. Liaising with CCISD Home Office for day to day management and key issues, through the National Coordinator 
  6. Some travel within the region may be required. 
  1. Management professional with experience in public health projects, preferably projects implemented by an international organization in Nigeria; 
  2. Training in Field Epidemiologyor equivalent; 
  3. Experience managing projects involving national and international training, including in close collaboration with FMOH staff; 
  4. Excellent report writing skills; 
  5. 5 to 10 years of relevant experience; , 
  6. Knowledge and skills in the use of the following software: Word processing, Excel, PowerPoint, Epi-info and Health Mapper; 
  7. Excellent knowledge of English; working knowledge of French an added advantage; 
  8. Abilitytowork as a team while demonstrating a good sense of initiative; 
  9. Openness to work extra hours when required to meet objectives set out forthe project. 
These positions are open to Nigerian nationals only. For all three positions, the appointment will be for up to 18 months, including a 3-month probationary period and starting in January 2016. Contract extension will be subject to performance and to the availability of funding. In the case of the, Accountant Secretary, the incumbent must be available to receive a two-week training on CCISD Management procedures. 
Please note that the salary attached to these positions and allowances for locally recruited staff will be discussed during the interview.
Detailed Descriptions for these post are available on the FMOH website here: http://www.health.gov.ng/index.php/component/content/article/9-uncategorised/227-waho-ccisd-wards-project-nigeria
Applications must be made through E-mail not later than 4th December,2015. Please send CVs and letter to the attenation of Mrs Olubunmi Ojo at [email protected], copy to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] .
We thank all candidates for their interest in the project. However only persons selected for an interview will be contacted.
CCISD is an equal opportunity employer an qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply