Zoll E Series Defibrillator

Posted on: Thu 09-03-2017

Manufacturer: Zoll Medical Corporation The E-series is a full-featured monitor defibrillator designed specifically for the rigor of all environments. It can be used in pounding rain, searing heat, freezing cold, dirt, mud.


  • Real CPR Help®, which measures chest compressions and rate and depth in real time, and provides visual and optional audible feedback.
  • See-Thru CPR®, unique to ZOLL, letting you see organized rhythms without pausing compressions.
  • EasyRead Tri-Mode Display™ screen for use in both pitch darkness and direct sunlight.
  • Built-in GPS clock, allowing users to synchronize dispatch, defibrillator, and intervention call times, improving overall data accuracy.
  • Plug-and-play EtCO2 options.

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