Federal Medical Centre, Idi-Aba Abeokuta Public Notice

Posted on: Mon 11-10-2021

The Management of Federal Medical Centre Idi-Aba Abeokuta, hereby disclaim the identity of the following persons: SUNDAY ANISERE and ABDULLAHI ABIODUN as members of staff in the Centre. 

The two individuals who claimed to be "concerned staff of Federal Medical Centre Idi-Aba Abeokuta" had in the recent times engaged in the issuance of some spurious allegations and defamatory statements against some members of staff. 

The management, after a painstaking examination of its nominal roll had found out that none of the two names exist as members of staff in the Centre.

To this end, members of the public and in particular the relevant authorities and agencies are by this publication advised to disregard any statement that might have emanated from the two fictitious names, addresses and telephone numbers whose agenda was targeted at soiling the good name of the centre and its workforce. 



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