Opinion: The Broad Nature of Science Laboratory Technology

Posted on: Sun 05-07-2020

This piece is meant to correct the misguided opinion of many on the application of Science Laboratory Technology. Ride with me!

Science Laboratory Technology is a multidimensional Professional field which provides necessary skills and techniques for everyday standard laboratory practices. It focuses on fundamental principles of biological, chemical and physical laboratory techniques and applications. Science Laboratory

Technologists are trained to handle various type of analytical equipments which prepares them for employment in a wide range of work environments that demands special qualitative and quantitative skills eg medical/clinical laboratory ,Industrial laboratory, Research and Academic laboratory.

The indubitable science background and the desire to support analysis, investigations, research and development tend to put Science Laboratory Technologists/Scientists in the clinical options such as Biomedical, physiology and Pharmacology, Microbiology and virology, Histology etc ahead of other Laboratory Scientists! Laboratory Scientists in other professions are restricted to just an area of designation (doing day by day analysis following SOP set by SLT/S) while SLT is broad (encompassing all area of Sciences). Technologists/Scientists drawn from the Clinical/Biological Options of SLT are proficient in all aspect of clinical laboratory investigations, researches and diagnosis while their expertise are not also contestable in the following areas;

Management of Institutional ,Industrial and Research Laboratories to meet technological needs.

Designing, execution and coordination of science based experiments and researches.

Considering all the above, is it not a great blessing to be a Science Laboratory Technologist/Scientist?

Now go with me, as I broaden your knowledge on a path that many think to be so narrowed; SLT courses synopses lay more emphasis on instruments fabrication , maintenance practice and also offer courses such as medical biochemistry, parasitology , medical microbiology and virology, pharmacology etc along with other SLT core courses that MLS curriculum does not cover.

There are lot of heralded job opportunities that are meant to serve humanity and also impact nature which are found in the Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Aerospace, Forensics, Agriculture, Food Science, Environmental Science , Pharmaceutical, Solid Mineral and lots more.

SLT as a professional discipline is been regulated by the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology.

This agency is responsible for the certification of individuals that have satisfied requirements after completing a four /five years duration of study in a recognized institution. The license qualifies the SLT professional to be a chartered Laboratory Technologist/Scientist who will be called an Associate. After which he will be welcomed to the professional welfare body known as "Association of Science Laboratory Technologists of Nigeria ASLTON.

Now, after your first degree there is opportunity to further on your study to higher degrees. Science Laboratory Technologists and Scientists are however in high demand in well advanced countries, so the choice is yours to make.

SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGISTS/SCIENTISTS are indeed the much awaited giant to revolutionize the world.

By Erinolu Eniola Oluwafemi