Abuse of Drugs Capable of Killing Faster

Posted on: Wed 21-08-2013

Experts say that indiscriminate use of drugs, especially antibiotics can cause complications and drug resistance in future.
They agree that antibiotics can be lifesavers, but misuse may increase the number of drug-resistant micro-organisms in the body.
Resistance occurs when antibiotics are no longer effective, resulting to long-lasting illnesses, more visits to the doctor or extended hospitalisation, among others.
A principal medical officer at the National Hospital, Abuja, Dr Abiodun Awolusi, says most drugs have side-effects and may “even make one’s condition worse’’.
He explains that people often take pills for common ailments like fever, colds, cough and headaches without bothering to consult a doctor.
Awolusi says many potent drugs, such as pain relievers, cough remedies, anti-allergies, antibiotics, and vitamins are sold over-the-counter which can cause allergy and addiction to the body.
He notes that there are some drugs that must not be administered when one has a particular condition, because it acts on the cells in the body.
He says that antibiotics should be prescribed and the dose adjusted according to the body weight of the patient.
Awolusi further explains that given drugs without proper examination and diagnosis, can result to causing more harm to the patient or may even worsen the patient’s health condition.
“When somebody is having stomach ulcer and headache, and aspirin is given, it may worsen the person’s condition.
“The headache may go but the person may start bleeding from the ulcer,’’ he explains.
Speaking on the dangers of drug abuse, a public health physician, Dr Baba Ahmed, says that indiscriminate use of drugs, especially antibiotics, can lead to drug resistance and liver problems.
Ahmed, who works with the National Blood Transfusion Services, says that taking drugs without doctor’s prescription and diagnosis can lead to wrong treatment.
He says that for antibiotics to be used there should be an indication that the ailment requires the drug, noting that the antibiotic must be sensitive to the organisms being treated.
Ahmed says that antibiotics are used in the treatment of micro-organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
According to him, antibiotics are anti-microbial. Anti, means to stop a process, while microbial are small living organisms that infest or cause problem in a particular part of the body.
“Because of their growth or the effect of their presence in that part of the body, antibiotics would be used to treat the patient.
“Most of the antibiotics taken are reprocessed in the liver and kidney because they are taken indiscriminately; the organs are stressed, resulting in liver and kidney diseases.”
He also notes that the abuse of antibiotics had become a big problem in the country, adding that “even the health care providers have become a medium for abusing it.
“The problem we have is that there is no control generally; there is a problem in the way drugs are dispensed in this country,” Ahmed added.
Ahmed says that indiscriminate use of antibiotics is so bad that people take Flagyl and Tetracycline without prescription once they have frequent or watery stools.
He advises that antibiotics should only be taken after a test to avoid damage to vital organs.
Speaking on the appropriate time to use antibiotics, Dr Mamman Ibrahim, a paediatrician at Garki Hospital, Abuja, cautions that antibiotics should be given when children develop symptoms of immune suppression and fever.
Ibrahim also warns parents against abusive use of antibiotics on children, saying it can be a potential poison.
He says that improper use of antibiotic could damage the immune system.
“It is not every child you see with cough and catarrh you will rush and give antibiotics, because it is a viral thing; these antibiotics though they are helpful, they are also potential poison.
“Everything you give is a potential poison because every drug will go to your liver first before it is metabolised to active form and transferred to its site of action.
“If you give a child who has a viral thing an antibiotic, you are further depressing that immune system.
“You are also increasing the risk of the child developing resistance; so please for every cough and catarrh, do not just go and take cough syrup or anything, consult your doctor.’’
Ibrahim says antibiotics should be given to a child for cough and catarrh only if the child has symptoms of immune suppression, fever and weight loss.
Drug is no food that should not be taken indiscriminately; so people should heed the advice of experts and avoid taking drugs without prescription.
•Nwachukwu is of the News Agencyof Nigeria