Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS) and the Associated Allowances in the Federal PUblic Service.

Posted on: Sun 01-12-2013

The president, commander in chief of the armed forces of the federal republic of nigeria, has approved a new salary structure for medical and dental officers in the federal public service. The new structure known as consolidated medical salary structure (CONMESS) is attached as annex 1. the consolidated salary now includes rent subsidy, which in the od salary was separated.
2. the new salary structure applies to all medical/ dental officers employed in federal health institutions including the federal ministry of healtha nd clinics in fedral agencies. conversio from CONTISS to CONMESS is as shown in the table in annex 11
3. Also approved are the rates of job related and non regular allownances for medical/ dental officers. The details are as follows:
i) SPECIALIST ALLOWNACE: The specialist allownace, shown in annex 111, applies only to medical/ dental officers who are employed as consultants.
11) CALL DUTY ALLOWANCE: Call duty allowance (Annex IV) is payable to medical/ dental officers in fedral hospitals and clinics. it is to be earned only when an officr would have actually performed call duty in acccordance with an existing call duty roster
111) HEALTH PROFESIONAL NON CLINICAL DUTY ALLOWNACE: This allowance (annex v) is payable to medical/ dental officers deployed to render health related services in the federal ministry of health and other federal health institutions.
1v) CLINICAL DUTY ALLOWANCE: This allowance (annex vi) is payable to honorary consultants, who are employed as academic staff in universities but render clinical services to teaching/ specialist hospitals.
v) TEACHING ALLOWANCE: This allowance (annex vii) is payable to fedral medical/dental officers who are engaged in teachng of medical doctors or other health profesionals intraining in teaching/ specialist hospitals
vi) HAZARD ALLOWANCE: Hazard allowance of N60,000 per annum shall be paid across the board to all medical/ dental officers.
vii) RURAL POSTING ALLOWANCE" Federal medical/dental officers who are stationed in rural communities shall be paid this allowance at the rates specified in annex viii, the fedral ministry of health and the national salaries incomes and wages commission shall jointly determine the designation of a haealth stattion as rural.
4) In order to ensure that medical/dental officers employed in federal agencies operating salary structures other than CONMESS are paid the appropriate rates of allowances applicablet to their grades, the conversion table in annex ix is attached for guidance.
5. The new remuneration package takes effect from 1st january 2010.
6. all enquiries concerning this circular should be directed to the national salaries incomes and wages commission.
Chief R.O.Egbule FNIM, Chariman

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