A TEAM of 12 medical doctors .llied by a pediatIic consultant, Prof. Awal Abubakar yesterday successfully completed surgery operation on a baby girl born with four legs at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Vola in Adamawa State. The operation, which started Tuesday afternoon, was completed early morning of yesterday. This is the first successful operation of its kind in the medical history of Nigeria. When The Guardian visited the hospital this morning, the baby girl was still being attended to by a team of medical workers at the pediatIic ward of the hospital. Father of the baby; 29-year old Mani Maigi told The Guardian at the hospital that he lacked words to express his appreciation to the hospital management for not only paying the hospital bills of his baby; but to ensure that the best medical team was selected to carry out the operation.
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED