Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Public Disclaimer

Posted on: Tue 13-02-2018

The attention of Management of Federal Medical Centre, Asaba has been drawn to the activities of some unscrupulous members of the community, who are soliciting money from unsuspecting job seekers in exchange for job or internship positions through different guises. 
This group has been discovered to have gone to the extent of cloning the Facebook account of the Medical Director to carry out their nefarious act. Management has swung into action by reporting the existence of these terrible gangsters to the appropriate security services outfits, and at the same time, carrying out necessary investigations to determine if any member of this group exists within its workforce.
The purpose of this publication is, therefore, to advise the good public not to fall victim to the scam of these fraudsters as Management of Federal Medical Centre, Asaba will never trade employment for money or be responsible for the activities of this group. 
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. 