KNCV TB Foundation, Vacancies For DGIS Project Officer

Posted on: Tue 15-12-2015

KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is an international non-profit organization ded icated to the fight against tuberculosis (TB), still the second most deadly infectious disease in the world. 
KNCV is an international center of expertise for TB control that promotes effective, efficient, innovative and sustainable tuberculosis control strategies in a national and international context. We are an organization of passionate TB professionals, including doctors, researchers, training experts, nurses and epidemiologists. We aim to stop the spread of the worldwide epidemic ofTB and to prevent the further spread of drug-resistant TB. 
Over the past century we have built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise, initially by successfully controlling TB in the Netherlands. Since the 1970s, we have also shared our knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world. We operate from a central office in The Hague in the Netherlands, a regional office in Central Asia and country offices worldwide. KNCV raises funds from private, institutional, corporate, and government donors. 
DUTY STATION: Lagos, Nigeria 
DGIS Project 
KNCV is the lead partner in a five year project funded by the Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs (DGIS). The project's aim is to strengthen Global Fund grants addressing TB/HIV programs in selected countries makinq Global Fund money work". Specifically, the project's main goal is increasing and maintaining Global Fund performance and strengthening the base for a sustained country response. The DGIS project is implemented with the support of a partnership of three Dutch NGOs; AIDS Foundation East West, HIVOS and PharmAccess. This project is also integrated with Challenge TB, a major USAID supported project lead by KNCV and in particular with its Global Fund HUb. 
The DGIS project is built on two main pillars; 1} Increase case finding and treatment success through engagement of non-public sector and 2} Improve Global Fund implementation through long term TA. 
Background of this assignment 
DGIS supported activities in Nigeria will be focused on pillar 1: strengthening engagement of the non-public sector to provide quality patient centered TB/HIV services. Engaging with the non-public sector (private providers and civil society) is essential to the inclusiveness requirements of the New Funding Model. Within this first objective, we aim to develop a model that enables effective partnerships between (local) governments, private health care providers (PHCP) and civil society organizations.
Purpose of the position and organizational position 
This is both a technical and a project management position, posted in a Regional office in I Lagos. The Officer will ensure timely implementation and technical quality of activity implementation according to the approved annual work plan. The Officer will be responsible for regular monitoring of activity implementation and providing TB/HIV technical support when needed. The Officer will work closely together with PharmAccess Lagos team, KNCV/Challenge TB, State TB and Leprosy Program, and other local partners. The officer report to KNCV's headquarters in The Hague and receive logistic and technical support by the KNCV Lagos team, as well as by the PharmAccess Lagos team. 
Who are we looking for? 
Amaster's degree in a health-related field with qualifications in public health or a related discipline. 
  1. Minimum of 3 years' experience in a similar position; 
  2. Experience in working with HIV & TB programs; 
  3. Experience in working with USAID, Global Fund and other development partners; 
  4. Experience in mentoring and capacity building; 
  5. Knowledge and experience in development, implementation of operational plans and evaluation of results. 
Behavioral competencies and skills: 
  1. Analytical; 
  2. Planning and Organizing; 
  3. Result Oriented; 
  4. Problem Solving; 
  5. Cultural sensitive; 
  6. Diplomatic. 

What does KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation offer? 

  1. A fixed-term contract for a year, with the intention to extend the contract depending on funding; 
  2. An informal work atmosphere in an international environment where initiative is appreciated; 
  3. A highly-motivated team of experienced, self-driven colleagues; 
  4. The salary is dependent upon education and relevant working experience; 
  5. KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation has its own Employment Conditions Scheme; 
Application and information 
You can apply for this position via before 2 January, 2016. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our HRM Team at: 
[email protected]
Please note that due to our regulations internal candidates prevail over external candidates. 
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is an equal opportunity employer offering employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, citizenship, physical or mental handicap, or status as a disabled person