Letter to Our Delegates at the NANNM Quadrennial Conference BY Jude Chiedu

Posted on: Sat 22-10-2016

Our dear delegates, imagine how time flies, it really feels like yesterday because i vividly recall this day back in 2012. Four years has since gone by, its another election year and that is why i have chosen to write to you because our professional future once again lies in your hands. This election has once again presented an opportunity for sober reflection at where we are and can be as professionals. 
Have you decided on whom you would be voting for? As delegates and representatives of Nigerian nurses, our collective destiny lies in your vote. I sincerely believe that voting for candidates with a pedigree of vision, courage dependability and proactiveness is a vote for the future. Our fate lies in your decision to either vote selflessly or selfishly 
What ever choice you make, remember that you owe it to that nurse toiling the night shift with very poor remuneration to critically appraise the acheivements and losses of the last four years and make a conscientious vote for her future. Dont forget that you owe it to Nigerian nurses whom have lost faith in the profession to vote in the messaihs they have been praying and tarrying for. You owe it to our profession to vote out visionless, profligate and laid-back professional buccaneers. 
NANNMMy dear, you have a fateful choice to make on election day and you must decide whether our current reality is the best that Nursing in Nigeria can be or if you believe in your heart of hearts that we can summon our collective talents and aspirations to forge a better profession, more ably governed.  
Like i have always pointed out on www.nursingworldnigeria.com, what we need at this moment more than ever are far-sighted leaders whose singularity of focus and resilience in the face of quagmires will raise and place the profession on the path of growth again. We need vibrant, corrosive and proactive leadership at the highest level of NANNM. Your vote can make this need a reality.
Dearest colleagues, do not vote blindly, demand and scrutinize each candidates manifesto and decide who best charts a road map to professional greatness. Do not vote based on sentiments, dont allow ......... to becloud your judgements
Before you cast your vote you must answer these question from the depth of your heart
- If a candidate is seeking re-election, has he/she done enough to deserve re-election for a second term. Carry out a quick comparative study and identify promises unkempt in his/her previous tenure as this should form a basis for voting one out.
- Who commands respect for this position interms of professional qualifications, experience, political dexterity etc? 
- Has this candidate been accountable to Nurses 
- What has been his/her stewardship to us the electorate?
- What is his/her track record?
- how financially accountable has a candidate been in interms of previous posts held? 
- how vocal has a candidate been on burning nursing issues,
- Is this candidate willing to DIE for this profession to move forward? 
- how has he/her contributed to the fight against quackery in the profession, 
- what effort has a candidate made for more convenient alternatives for diploma nurses to obtain a bachelors degree in Nursing, 
- In this age of main stream and social media wars, how computer literate or illiterate is this candidate etc 
My dear delegate, the future of Nursing literally is "in your hands" come election day and you must not let this historic opportunity slip from your grasp. We have made crawling progress so far but we have suffered much to get to this moment. It is our time to write our own professional future. write this for us using your vote.
You must make a case for new blood where needed and use your vote to make your dissatisfaction with under-performing nurse leaders known by voting them out. We all yearn for a new nursing, our collective future cannot be left in the hands of any one found to be incompetent. Vote out individuals who have no plan to move the profession forward.
Forget the campaigns, look before you leap because your vote will determine whether we are ready to get out of Egypt for Canaan or stay in Egypt and dine with the Pharaohs while remaining oppressed.
In Gods name i beg you, please Vote for a new Nursing. Vote right that we might have a better collective future.  It has often been said that for evil to triumph, good people need do or say nothing. Your vote is our voice and our action, #Silence is not an option
As we inch closer to the election day, I can only hope and pray that you seize this God-given opportunity to make an informed vote and redirect the course of our inordinate professional history. Do not sell your conscience on the alter of pecuniary gratification. The ball is in your court to either choose to vote for the apostles of continuity or the apostles of change.
I wish you all a fruitful deliberation and journey mercies to and from Ogun state. God bless you all
Nurse Jude Chiedu (FWACN)