Philips Trains 100 Health Professionals in Lagos

Posted on: Thu 11-07-2013

OVER 100 health professionals including midwives, maternity nurses, obstetricians and ultrasound practitioners are being trained at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, on foetal monitoring, infant warming, jaundice management and clinical ultrasound.
The training, being organised by Philips Africa is part of its ongoing Cape town to Cairo Roadshow focused on Mother and Child Care towards reducing child mortality rates and improving maternal health. With clinical education and training programmes for African healthcare professionals, the organisation, through large scale healthcare revitalisation projects, is improving standards of care aimed towards enabling healthcare providers to offer equitable and sustainable basic health services.
In a related development,  Philips is introducing its latest ultrasound and infant warming/ thermo regulation solutions  into Nigeria. They are the  Efficia Infant warmer that provides reliable infant thermoregulation support for newborns creating a warm and stable environment, crucial for a baby’s immediate and long-term survival. The device is designed as an open care environment for newborn infants and provides an intense source of radiant heat energy, controlled by feedback from the baby’s skin temperature.
Philips has also introduced the ClearVue 650, a new advanced imaging ultrasound system with Auto Face Reveal facilitating the visualization of the baby’s face, possibly enhancing parental-fetal bonding.It is a lightweight and cost-effective system that supports clinicians in examining pregnant women and enhances their diagnostics and decision-making process.
“The need for energy-efficient lighting, mother and child care and the revitalization of African healthcare infrastructure are key pillars along which we develop meaningful innovations for our African customers”, says JJ van Dongen, Senior Vice President & CEO Philips Africa. “I’m excited the Cape Town to Cairo Roadshow has started again. It is an important vehicle in our approach to enhance our understanding of local needs and growing the market.”

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