Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria Annual License Payment Process

Posted on: Fri 04-11-2016

Paying for your Annual Licence and other services has been made much easier from the comfort of your homes.
Please follow the steps below: 
RRBN1. Go to 
2. Click PAY REMITA BILLERS, a field appears for you to complete. 
3. Type RADIOGRAPHERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF NIGERIA on the first field that appears and the account code may also pop up. 
4. Complete the remaining fields, and click proceed to pay. 
5. A Remita Retrieval (RR) code is generated in your favour which you can use to make payment later in any commercial bank or you can proceed to pay with your debit card following the command prompts. 
6. If you send your last known address to [email protected], your license will be mailed to that address when it is ready. 
7. Please remember to pay your ARN dues alongside into GTB Account Number 0014910615.

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