Nigerian Institute of Radiographers a division of the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria Presents Management Workshop for Radiographers
Date: 8th - 9th May, 2017
Workshop Fee: N25,000/participant
Venue: RRBN Seminar Hall, Central Medical Library Compound, Yaba, Lagos.
Accommodation: Not provided
Tea & Lunch Breaks: Provided
Course Materials: Provided
Course Fees: All payments must be made on or before the course due date in favour of Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria TSA no: 052100600100 at any Commercial Bank in Nigeria
Participation: The Course is Open to all Radiographers
All participants must be registered with the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria and must be holders of current practicing Licences.
1. Intending Participants should pay their registration fees into the Board's TSA by going to, click PAY REMITE CUSTOMER/BILLER or PAY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. A field appears for you to complate. Input RADIOGRAPHERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF NIGERIA on the first field, and the account code may also pop-up. Then complete the remaining fields, and click proceed to pay. You can visit the website:
A Remite Retrieval Reference (RRR) code is generated in your favour which you can use to make payment later in any commercial bank or you can proceed to pay online with your debit card following the prompts.
2. Participants are to send proof of payment with completed course Registration Slip forward same on or before 15 days to the registration/documentation of participants ends on Monday, 5th May 2017 by 9:00am.
Management Workshop 2017: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) IN RADIOGRAPHY SERVICES (A practical guide for Improving processes in Radiography Profession in Nigeria)
A two-day workshop on how quality process improvement works, following an easy step-by-step guide and using real-life examples.
This unique programme has been specially designed to provide Radiographers with the requisite tools and techniques to improve patient care services in Medical Radiography.
* To explain in-depth the principles of total quality management.
* To plan and implement a strategy for quality cost measurements
* Describe the evolution of TQM philosophy
* Describe tools for identifying and solving quality problems in the filed of medical Radipgraphy.
* To plan and improve education and training and develop a recognition system of TQM.
* To generate and promote employees participation in TQM.
* To formulate a TQM implementation framework for the Radiography profession in Nigeria.
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED