Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria Public Announcement

Posted on: Thu 27-10-2016

The general public is hereby informed that the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN) is established by Radiographers (Registration, etc) Act Cap R1 LFN 2004 to regulate the practice of RAdiograhy in Nigeria.
It is therefore unlawful as well as dangerous to public health and safety for a person that is not a registered and licensed Radiographer to hold appointment in any Health Institution/ Radiography Center or Premises (public or private) for the purposes of administering radiant energies (X-ray, Magnetic REsonance, Computed Tomography, Ultrasonic Imaging etc) on Nigerians for diagnostics or therapeutic purposes. Such Radiography premises or centres must be registered with the RRBN further to the provisions of the Registration of Radiographers Training institutions/ Premises Regulations 2005
By this public notice, all owners of radiograhpy units, premises or centers are hereby warned to employ only the services of Registered and Licensed Radiographers as the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN) Monitoring Task Force is embarking on on a nationwide clampdown on quackery and all forms of unethical practices in the Radiography profession to ensure public health and safety.
Offenders shall be arrested and prosecuted.
Signed: Dr M. S Okpaleke

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