Resident Doctors, Matrons, Registered Nurses and Pharmacy Technicians Vacancies at Dako Medical Center

Posted on: Mon 11-12-2017


The following positions are wanted for urgent employment by Dako Medical Centre Limited:

1.       Resident Doctors

2.       Matrons

3.       Registered Nurses

4.       Pharmacy Technicians


All applicants MUST be resident in Lagos State and have a minimum of 3 years post NYSC experience. Only applicants who meet the above criteria would be contacted for interview.

Application process:

Applicants should send their one-page cover letter and detailed CV as a single attachment to [email protected] .The Job title and Location must be the subject of the email.


Applicants can send a hardcopy of their one-page cover letter and detailed CV to:

The Medical Director,

Dako Medical Centre Limited,

185 Muyibi Street, Olodi -Apapa,

Lagos State.

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