Short-term Consultancy Assignment @ PACT

Posted on: Thu 02-01-2014

Open to: Applicants with University level training in socila sciences, community developement or health.
Assignment: Assesment of local healthsevices and utilization in selected local government areas of Adamawa and Gombe states.
Location: Adamawa and Gombe states
Nature of work: Short term Consultany Assignment

Pact Nigeria headquartered in Abuja with offices throughout the country including Yol and Gombe is the Nigerian Country office of Pact Inc, an independent international nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington DC. Under a 5 month 'learning grant' from the Gates Foundation, Pact is undertaking an assesment to gather, analyze and report on data that will provide a clearer understanding of the quality and utilization of amternal and child health (MNCH) in Adamawa and Gombe states. The results of this assesment will feed into an overall vision around social accountability for quality health service delivery and eventually into the design of a long term project intervention. The goal would be to improve responsiveness and quality of MNCH health services through applying best practices and brakthrough approaches to meet the key needs and expectations of mothers and families in Adamawa and Gombe states. At the same time the project will seek to strenghten community led contributions towards health sector decision making and service provision by ensureing continuous and informed feedback to providers, policy makers, partners, and beneficiaries.

A team of ten consultants will be selected to conduct an assessment of community expectations and utilization of local health services with a focus on the quality and accountability of maternal, child and neonatal health provision. Three local government areas will be selected in each of Adamawa and Gombe states. Consultants are not required to be health specialists but should be conversant with basic concepts of community development and standared methods of primary field reseach. The specific objectives for this assignment will be to:
. Undergo one week of training on the tools and methods for the field research required.
. Review and pretest questionires and question schedules for interviews, focus groups and health facility assesment.
. Conduct primary field research in all wards of the selected LGA's to determine the quality health services as well as their uptake and expectations by community members especialy women. This work will include interviews with local government officials, health facility checklist and satisfaction survys amongst health clients. At the same time community members and community commities will also be questioned about their experiences and epectations of health services through small group discussions or focus groups. Typically these groups will include ward or village development or health committees.
. Analyse quantitative data from surveys and qualty checklists.
. Type qualitative data and submit in a standard format.
. Write a brief report on key findings conclusions and recommendations.
. Contributions GIS or other data as requested for "mapping" ward (or village) developement committees in each state.

The ten consultants selected must be available full time (except Sundays) for a one month period from 20January to 19February 2014. Work will involve etensive field travel and research in three selected LGAs in each of Adamawa and Gombe states. It is expected that visits to all wards in each LGA will be completed in one week by a group of 4-5 team members, so that three LGAs are covered in three weeks in each of the two states.

The proposed schedule of work is:
20-25 January: Training in tools and methods specific to the assignment
27 January-15 February: Field research, analze data and type notes
17-19 February: Complete data analysis, field notes, write and submit final brief report on findings, conclusions and recommendations with all annexes.

The individual consultants who propose to work on this assignment must have a minimum of:
. University level training in social sciences, development, public health or other relevant fields.
. Flency in Hausa and or fulfulde languages
. Knowledge of primary field data collection and analysis, especially surveys and qualitative methods such as key informant intrviews, small group discussions and focus groups.
. Basic computer skills in WORD and Excel.
. Excellent written and spoken english, strong skills in report writing
. Knowledge of health and gender issues is an asset
. Familiarity with Adamawa and or Gombe states is also an asset
. Able to work effectively and cooperatively as a member of a team.

Consultants may apply individually. All applications including a resume and cover letter indicating your qualifications and interestin this assignment should be submitted by email to:
[email protected]
Note that only the short listed candidates will be contacted. Inquiries on this assignment should be directed to Ms. Maryam Bagel: [email protected], Tel: 08086663646

Deadline: 10/01/2014

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