. Andrew Britton developed myocarditis while on honeymoon in Maldives
. His heart rate rose to 200 beats-a-minute so was sedated and given defibrillation shocks to force his heart back to a normal rhythm
. He was transferred to a larger hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, where he was put on a life support machine for two weeks
. His other organs quickly started to fail and doctors had to drain 11 litres of fluid from his body when his kidneys stopped working
. Now home, with a defibrillator device fitted, he needs a transplant to survive in the long-term and must live in hospital until her finds a donor
A super fit man who regularly takes part in triathlons has miraculously survived after contracting a heart-attacking virus on his honeymoon and dying six times. Andrew Britton is now waiting for a heart transplant after spending nine months in three different hospitals and suffering cardiac failure six times.
The 33-year-old, who enjoys running and playing squash, collapsed hours after arriving in the Maldives for his honeymoon. He was on his honeymoon in the Maldives when his condition rapidly deteriorated.
He is now waiting for a heart transplant after spending nine months in three different hospitals. Just five days after his dream wedding to wife Lauren he had been transferred to a larger hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, where he was put on a life support machine. 'I finally came round in the hospital in Bangkok and was so confused I thought I had been on the end of some sort of practical joke,' said Andrew, from Denham in Buckinghamshire. 'They had fitted a temporary balloon inside me to help my heart pump and I was on life support.
'I pointed for pen and paper and wrote "Did I die?".I later learnt I had five cardiac failures in the Maldives and I had a sixth a few days later.'
Andrew married Lauren on November 25 last year and had the perfect wedding.
He had always had a passion for fitness, playing squash from a young age, and had just returned from a triathlon training camp in the Algarve.
Island doctors told Andrew they had 24 hours to get him to a specialist heart hospital in Bangkok (pictured there during his recovery) or he would die. He was flown there on an emergency medical jet and remained on life support for two weeks and in the hospital for a total of six weeks. After the wedding they boarded the plane for their honeymoon on the Kandooma Island in The Maldives, but on the flight he started to feel ill with flu-like symptoms.
Many people don’t realise it, but common bacterial and viral infections such as flu, ear and chest infections, and even the common cold can get into the bloodstream and affect the heart, explains consultant cardiologist Dr Nigel Durham of York Hospital. ‘It’s more widespread than we’d thought - a quarter of patients we see aged 30 to 35 have evidence of myocarditis, and it is the most common cause of sudden adult death.
Myocarditis can be mild and sometimes resolves itself - if the condition is spotted quickly, anti-inflammatory drugs can treat it. But once the heart muscle becomes enlarged, causing it to stretch, there is little that can be done and it can lead to heart failure. 'I thought I was just tired and hungover after the wedding and had perhaps eaten some bad plane food,' he said.
They went by speed boat to Kandooma Island, but he gradually deteriorated and was so sick he quickly became confined to his bed. The couple called the island doctor out and Andrew was put on a drip in his hut as he couldn’t keep any liquids down.
'I felt so ill I couldn’t get out of bed and I was really sick and sweating,' he said. 'The next day I work up in the middle of the night and could hardly breathe. I thought it must be a bug so we got the boat back to the mainland to get checked at the hospital.'
He was put on a heart rate monitor, which showed 200 beats a minute. He was sedated and given defibrillation shocks to force his heart back to a normal rhythm. Doctors did not yet realise it, but Andrew had developed myocarditis, a viral infection that leads to inflammation and damage to the heart.
The majority of cases clear up within a week, but sometimes the inflammation in the heart lasts longer and cause serious, life-threatening problems. Andrew said: 'Lauren was really scared and had to sort out everything. At one point the doctors had to resuscitate me but our medical insurance hadn’t kicked in and our credit cards were maxed out.
'Lauren had been given a security escort from the hotel and he saw the situation was so serious that he gave the hospital the deeds to his house as security against my treatment.' Lauren said it was 'absolutely terrifying' because Andrew went downhill so quickly.
'It all happened completely out of the blue and was absolutely terrifying,' she said. 'I was a complete wreck and felt quite hysterical. I was on the phone to family and friends back at home most of the time, who really kept me going.' The doctors told Andrew they had 24 hours to get him to a specialist heart hospital in Bangkok or he would die.
Before being struck down by the viral infection, Andrew had always had a passion for fitness - playing squash from a young age. Shortly before his wedding he had even attended a triathlon training camp in the Algarve. He is pictured in the hospital garden while he waits for a transplant. He was flown there on an emergency medical jet and remained on life support for two weeks and in the hospital for a total of six weeks.
Andrew’s other organs started failing as the doctors worked out which drugs to put him on and they drained 11 litres of fluid from his body when his kidneys stopped working.
Eventually he was stable enough to get another medical flight home and was taken to Harefield Hospital in London. They fitted a Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Defibrillator device to help pace his heart and within 48 hours he felt much better.
When Andrew was stable enough to get another medical flight home, he was taken to Harefield Hospital in London. There they fitted a Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Defibrillator device (pictured in his X-ray) to help pace his heart and within 48 hours he felt much better
'I was eventually able to leave the hospital and I was at home for seven weeks, but I suddenly collapsed at Tesco and was taken back to hospital,' he said.
This time Andrew had eight hours of open heart surgery and was fitted with a left ventricular device, pumps blood through the heart. He is now stable and in hospital, awaiting a heart transplant.
'I was told I had picked up a virus which attacked my heart and caused it to inflame, which is incredibly rare,' he said.
'Despite all that has happened I count myself lucky. I have an amazing family, met people who show the world is full of people that care for strangers and learned that you should never live in fear.
Andrew (pictured shortly after his operation to fit a defibrillator) is now waiting for a heart transplant. He will have to live in hospital until he receives a new heart. Lauren visits him every day after work and the couple have dinner together
'I still have one final hurdle to go in getting the transplant, but I’m ready for it and know that everyone around me is there to get me back to how I was before.
'My goals when I get back to full health are to win the world championship in squash in the transplant games and to simplify my life.'
Lauren visits Andrew every day after work and the couple have dinner together.
'We have managed to get into a bit of a routine now but it’s a rather odd existence,' she said. 'I’ll take him dinner and we try and eat together and spend the evening chatting, but it is hard to keep Andrew positive as it’s very boring in hospital for him.'
The couple are now urging people to register as organ donors to help people like Andrew.
'I wasn’t registered as it wasn’t something I had ever really considered,' said Lauren. 'It is also important to let your family know if you have registered your organs.'
ABUJA: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
PORTHARCOURT: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED
LAGOS: Training Schedule for Basic Life Support BLS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support ACLS, First Aid, CPR, AED