The Committee for the special thematic working group on maternal, neonatal, children and women health (STWG-MNCWH) at the University of Ibadan Research foundation (UI-Research Foundation) invites research leaders in academic institutions and expert members of health systems implementation teams to apply for funding to prepare succinct reviews on:
- Health service delivery: Challenges, opportunities and effect use of Assets to produce positive outcomes on women and children health in Nigeria
- Health manpower distribution: impacts on access and quality of women and children health in Nigeria.
The call for experts review by the UI-Research Foundation is aimed at awarding contracts to two leading experts on health service delivery or health manpower distribution to jointly produce comprehensive reviews and summary of information, observations, gaps, challenges on implementation of interventions, service delivery and constraints to policy implementation in the two areas affecting women and children health in Nigeria.
Eligibility and requirements for expert reviewers
Each review team will consist of two (2) reviewers – an expert from academia and another expert from either the civil society, a technical practitioner or an implementer. A postdoctoral fellow will be appointed by the UI-research foundation to work with each review team. Applications are welcome from individuals or a team meeting these criteria. Each successful review team will be selected from either individual or team applications. However, the successful applicants if selected individually will be mandated to work together to produce a joint review. Joint applications between reviewers meeting the criteria from any institution in Nigeria as well as collaborations with international partners are encouraged.
Partnership on publications:
The ultimate aim of the initiative is to produce positive impact on Women and Children Health in Nigeria. We aim to achieve the objectives through publication of policy briefs, organization of stakeholder forum and dissemination of peer review journal publication. The expert reviewers will have opportunities to participate as authors on the publications resulting directly from the commissioned reviews and at the stakeholders’ forum.
Application procedure:
Each individual or joint applicants should submit an electronic copy of the detailed application, a concept paper on approach proposed for the review and a copy of curriculum vitae for each applicant to the implementation team at:
Address and contact for applications submission:
An electronic copy of the application must be submitted to:
Implementation Team
University of Ibadan Research Foundation
University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria
Application due Date: All applicantions must be received by 5:pm on 23 December, 3029 in order to be eligible for consideration.
For further information details on the experts reviews for the committee on special thematic working group on maternal, neonatal, children and women health (STWG-MNCWH), visit: