Association of Resident Doctors UUTH: Assault on a Nursing Staff in the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital

Posted on: Mon 04-05-2020

We received with sadness the news on the assault of a Nursing Staff of the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital at the labor ward area of the hospital in the morning of Wednesday, the 29th of April 2020 by a patient relative.

This ugly incident has once again brought to the force the pervasive issue of assault in various forms and degrees against healthcare workers in the hospital community that has not been conclusively death with over the years and hence continues to recur in various form from time to time.

Most disturbing about this latest incident is the fact that the assailant committed the constantly act against the nurse unchallenged by any hospital santurity agent and thereafter proceeded to the dialysis unit to issue a threat on one of the Doctors in the hospital issues of assault against healthcare workers are weighty and the law in section 21(1 and 3) of the National Health Act 2014 explicitly places a huge responsibility of ensuring the safety of health workers on the institution and is unambiguous on what should be done in the event of an assault.

We condemn in strongest terms this and other acts of assault against healthcare workers which must never be left to go unchecked. It is our position that this matter be urgently addressed by the hospital management with the seriousness it deserves. The culprit should be persecuted to serve as a deterrent to future offenders and the management immediately put in place measures to secure the lives and guarantee the safety of diligent members of the hospital community going about their lawful duties.

We commiserate with the victim and the entire Nursing community on this unfortunate incident and hope it will guarantee the necessary authorities into action to forestall a future recurrence.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Paul Walshak

Dr. Ekemini Bassey