National Association of Nigeria Nurses & Midwives Matters Arising from Emergency NANNM Congress

Posted on: Thu 23-06-2022

The Ag Chief Medical Director,



Osun State

Dear Sir,


The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, OAUTI1C unit held an emergency congress yesterday 21/06/2022 at the instance of current developments in the institution. The congress resolved  as follow:

1.      That the congress does not have any trust in the panel constituted within 24hours. where similar event had happened without a response from the management.

2.      That a physician cannot head the panel as communicated by our lawyer. This is evident by the submission of the Ag CNIAC. which has a tone of biases compared to that of the Corporate affairs.

3.      That if the headship of the panel of enquiry committee is not changed to a neutral clinician, who could be a pharmacist, medical laboratory scientist or physiotherapist, NANNM will not be a party to such committee.

4.      That Dr. Hello chosen to head the committee is a physician and sworn under the Hippocratic Oath is already compromised as a member of the profession. More so, he has a private hospital, training quacks and other anti-nursing practices which bother on professionalism. Given all these, favoritism and partiality are bound to play out.

5.      That worse case that happened in ICU between a doctor and a nurse should be resuscitated and treated alongside this case.

Attached are the copies of comment of Acting CMAC dated 21/06/2022 and that of the institution Cooperate Affairs dated on the subject matter.


Com. Ajayi Olawale

Unit Chairman

Com. Oyeniyi Olayode

Unit Secretary