The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable indigenous non-governmental organization implementing a comprehensive family-focused HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment program in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the Government of Nigeria at national, state, local and site levels.
POSITION: Senior Program Officer, MNCH
OPEN TO: All Interested Candidates
OPENING DATE: November 26th , 2015
CLOSING DATE: December 10th, 2015
LOCATION: Ogun, Osun, Delta, Benue, Nassarawa, Kano and FCT.
Summary/Overview: The MNCH Program Officer (PO) at the central, regional or state level and to be occupied by staff with a medical and or midwifery background. The MNCH PO is also expected to spend 40% of his/her time in the office and 60% on supervisory and advocacy activities.
programmatic support to the implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention activities of the Institute of Human Virology programme, including sexual prevention (HCT, Abstinence, Be faithful [AB] and Condoms and other prevention and Key Affected Population), medical prevention ( injection safety/health care waste management, community based organizations and Community Multi-Drugs Resistant Tuberculosis activities. He/she will supervise and coordinate all relevant activities for all community prevention activities through effective supervision of staff and effective project management to meet program targets.
- Assist in the development and adaptation of guidelines, tools and other relevant materials for use in the national scale up of PMTCT activities in IHVN-supported sites in Nigeria.
- Assist in development of program strategies, work plans and their implementation for effective operations of the hub and spoke model of scale up.
- Ensure smooth operations and coordination of PMTCT activities at the regional and or state offices.
- Forecast and request for PMTCT commodities such as care kits and Mama Packs.
- Co-ordinate, track progress, review results and address PMTCT challenges
- Mentor doctors, nurses, mentor mothers to provide quality care to HIV+ pregnant women.
- Create a sustainable PMTCT team that includes Traditional Birth Attendants to deliver overall quality health care to HIV+ pregnant women.
- Ensure that the facility operates a functional and efficient client flow system.
- Identify barriers to PMTCT and proffer solutions to these challenges.
- Assist and undertake needs assessments of new sites as required.
- Facilitate and coordinate all trainings sessions organized for site health care workers.
- Provide technical assistance to site and community staff through precepting, monitoring and mentoring.
- Facilitate and coordinate the activities of Infant Feeding Counseling activities and training of health care workers at all IHVN supported sites in Nigeria.
- Facilitate effective linkages within thematic groups and overall community linkages.
- Report all activities to the Program Area Lead and the Director, Community Health department.
- Adhere and abide by the ethics and code of conduct of the Institute.
- MBBS, Basic Midwifery and/or any other post graduate Certificate in Midwifery & Nursing, with excellent computer skills are required. Also required is at least 3 years working experience with participation in both clinical and community PMTCT activities. An MPH will be an added advantage.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
- Ability to communicate with a wide range of personalities is necessary.
- Ability to clearly explain available PMTCT services.
- Community outreach and engagement talents.
- Clear understanding of the health system, PHC structure and HIV/AIDS.
- Supportive attitude towards processes of strengthening PHCs, local health structures and building local capacities for self-management
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document saved with applicants name in the following format e.g. Adamu Maduka Application MNCH Program Officer FCT explaining suitability to Associate Director, Human Resources through this email address: [email protected]
Application must explicitly state the position and location applied for in the subject of the email e.g. MNCH Program Officer – Kano. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with functional email addresses and telephone numbers.
Note: Only applications sent in the required format will be considered and only short listed candidates will be contacted.