Application Opens for 2022 Hajj National Medical Team for Doctor, Pharmacists, Nurses

Posted on: Tue 26-04-2022

The National Hajj Commission is pleased to announce the commencement of online application portal for National Medical Team  

The application portal would be opened on 25th April, 2022 and to close on 2nd May, 2022.

Please note that only eligible Medical personnel are to apply via this link 

The guidelines & procedures for application are as follows:

1. The information you provide will determine your eligibility and qualifications or further examination. All information contained on the application is subject to verification. Any omission, misstatement or falsification may be cause for rejection of this application or removal of your name from eligibility list.

2. Note that this application is free and that the Management of this organization at no point requires or charges a fee directly or through an agent or agency.

3. Note that filling this form does not guarantee eligibility for this position

4. To apply for this position, you should be within the following age group: 25 years – 55 years.

5. Applicants applying for this position must be in active service, with current license at the time of application.

6. Applicants applying for this position must not have served in the NMT in the last 5 Hajj years.

7. A guarantor must be a credible personality who is either a career civil servant not below the rank of grade level 12, Traditional ruler, Magistrate, Local Government Chairman. The guarantor must have known the applicant for not less than 5 years, and certify the credibility of the applicant.


The following document should be available when applying for this position

GUARANTORS’ FORM (downloadable from the portal)




APPLICANT DECLARATION (downloadable from the portal)

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